Tag: origin of life

Shocking! Solar storms played a vital role in the origin of life on Earth, says NASA study

Shocking! Solar storms played a vital role in the origin of life on Earth, says NASA study

[ad_1] Solar storms have always been looked at as a destructive force that is capable of damaging our current technology infrastructure. And this is not without reason. Just last year, a powerful solar storm destroyed more than 40 Starlink satellites. And if you go a little further in the past, in 1859, the Carrington event witnessed telegraph services being disrupted and many operators suffering shocks from the wires just because of a powerful solar storm. As such, it is difficult to imagine that without such a monstrous force from the Sun, life on Earth may never have originated. But that is exactly what a study by a group of NASA scientists is claiming.This study has been published in the life journal and it goes over the role of highly energized solar particles in the formation of a...
Shocking space fact! Asteroid Ryugu samples reveal it is OLDER than the solar system

Shocking space fact! Asteroid Ryugu samples reveal it is OLDER than the solar system

[ad_1] Ever since the samples from the asteroid Ryugu were delivered by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in 2020, the excitement among the astronomers has been at an all time high. And that is mainly because it is believed that this pristine piece of celestial dirt can finally answer questions around the origin of life, how the solar system was formed and more. But now, the earliest studies are coming out after two years of research into the samples and the revelations are even more shocking. It turns out that Ryugu could be older than the solar system itself.The study was published in the Science journal and it concluded, “The organic matter in Ryugu probably consists of primordial materials that formed during (or before) the early stages of th...
Asteroids gave birth to life? NASA crashes rocks on Earth to unveil secret to origin of life

Asteroids gave birth to life? NASA crashes rocks on Earth to unveil secret to origin of life

[ad_1] A group of NASA scientists have conducted an experiment in which they simulated asteroid strikes on Earth to determine whether the origin of life was a result of a cosmic accident. The belief that the origin of life on Earth may have extraterrestrial roots is solidifying in the astronomical community. Recently, a study was published in the journal ACS Central Science which conducted an experiment to see whether complex amino acids, which are necessary to give birth to life, can be formed on asteroids. And now, a group of NASA scientists have the same thought. In a series of experiments, they simulated the exact conditions that might have been when asteroids struck into a young and barren Earth billions of years ago and could have created life. And the experiment has given the...
NASA scientists study origin of life after simulating cosmic evolution

NASA scientists study origin of life after simulating cosmic evolution

[ad_1] NASA scientists simulate the cosmic evolution in labs to study the origin of life from amino acids and amines. NASA scientists have performed a new experiment that enables them to study the evolution of life. At the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, scientists wanted to explore how amino acids and amines may have formed by simulating a mini cosmic evolution under lab conditions. The scientists made ices that simulate those found in interstellar clouds and then blasted them with radiation. The leftover material was then exposed to water and heat to replicate the conditions they would have experienced inside asteroids.Danna Qasim, a research scientist, along with her colleagues made ices out of molecules that space telescopes commonly find in interstellar c...
Life on Earth was created by meteorite strikes and gamma rays, claims study

Life on Earth was created by meteorite strikes and gamma rays, claims study

[ad_1] Researchers claim that life on Earth could have been sparked by a combination of meteorite strikes and gamma rays. Check the details now. The space agencies across the world have peered deep into space to find another planet where life flourishes and so far we have found nothing. One reason behind it could be that the conditions required to create and sustain life are so rare that it is incredibly difficult to find a similar planet. And this is why scientists have always been fascinated by the question of how life originated on Earth. And if a recent study is to be believed, we are merely a byproduct of meteorites and gamma rays. Yes, life on Earth began when a meteorite, which was infused with gamma rays, struck our planet. Intrigued? Read on.A study was published in the journ...
When a gigantic 6.4-km asteroid broke and pieces crashed on Earth

When a gigantic 6.4-km asteroid broke and pieces crashed on Earth

[ad_1] Seven years ago, a big chunk from a massive 6.4-kilometers wide asteroid broke apart and smashed into the Earth. The piece of asteroid has now offered a glimpse into the origin of life. Just a few days ago, the Earth witnessed the Geminids meteor shower where the Earth annually passes by the debris left behind by the asteroid 3200 Phaethon. But what we look at as bright, glowing lights across the sky are actually small space rocks or meteors that could just as easily get pulled by the Earth and crash onto it. And this is not just a hypothetical possibility, this happens a lot around the planet. Just seven years ago, on November 13, 2015, a piece of a gigantic asteroid fell near the town of Kamargaon in Assam, India. While it did not cause any major destruction owing to the remo...
This Meteorite that crashed in Assam holds secrets to the origin of life on Earth

This Meteorite that crashed in Assam holds secrets to the origin of life on Earth

[ad_1] A meteorite that crashed in Assan around seven years ago carries some secrets about the origin of life on Earth. Asteroids out in space and meteorites that have crashed on Earth have been a big source of information for scientists to understand how life originated on Earth. The OSIRIS-REx mission to collect a sample from Asteroid Bennu and bring it back to Earth is a perfect example, as scientists aim to study the origins of life on Earth. Now in the latest development, a meteorite named Kamargaon that crashed in Kamargaon town in the Golaghat district of Assam, India around seven years ago, is said to hold secrets of the origin of life. It is the chemical composition of the meteorite which hints that it all began in the core of stars.A study by the Indian Institute of Technolo...