Tag: OpenAI CEO sam altman

ChatGPT-maker OpenAI CEO Sam Altman warns ‘misalignments’ could make artificial intelligence dangerous

ChatGPT-maker OpenAI CEO Sam Altman warns ‘misalignments’ could make artificial intelligence dangerous

[ad_1] The CEO of ChatGPT-maker OpenAI said Tuesday that the dangers that keep him awake at night regarding artificial intelligence are the “very subtle societal misalignments” that could make the systems wreak havoc.Sam Altman, speaking at the World Governments Summit in Dubai via a video call, reiterated his call for a body like the International Atomic Energy Agency to be created to oversee AI that's likely advancing faster than the world expects. “There's some things in there that are easy to imagine where things really go wrong. And I'm not that interested in the killer robots walking on the street direction of things going wrong," Altman said. "I'm much more interested in the very subtle societal misalignments where we just have these systems out in society and through no particul...
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman seeks to raise billions for network of AI chip factories

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman seeks to raise billions for network of AI chip factories

[ad_1] OpenAI Chief Executive Officer Sam Altman, who has been working to raise billions of dollars from global investors for a chip venture, aims to use the funds to set up a network of factories to manufacture semiconductors, according to several people with knowledge of the plans.Altman has had conversations with several large potential investors in the hopes of raising the vast sums needed for chip fabrication plants, or fabs, as they're known colloquially, said the people, who requested anonymity because the conversations are private.  Firms that have held discussions with Altman include Abu Dhabi-based G42, people told Bloomberg last month, and SoftBank Group Corp., some of the people said. The project would involve working with top chip manufacturers, and the network of fabs woul...
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman unveils vision for AI’s impact on economy and society at WEF Davos

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman unveils vision for AI’s impact on economy and society at WEF Davos

[ad_1] Davos [Switzerland], January 19 (ANI): In a Davos session themed 'Technology in a Turbulent World,' Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, delved into the future trajectory of artificial intelligence (AI), offering profound insights into its role as a driving force for global economies and societies.Altman highlighted the theme of 'Artificial Intelligence as a Driving Force for the Economy and Society,' a pivotal focus at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting. Altman said, "Even with its very limited current capability and its very deep flaws, people are finding ways to use this tool for great productivity gains or other gains and understand the limitations. People understand tools and the limitations of tools more than we often give them credit for." He added, "People have found ways to...
OpenAI to incorporate speech, images, and videos” into GPT, says Sam Altman

OpenAI to incorporate speech, images, and videos” into GPT, says Sam Altman

[ad_1] he growth of artificial intelligence (AI) has been rapid over the last few years and this latest revolution could outpace every previous one, according to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. The tech mogul sat down with another tech savant, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, and the two delved into the intricacies of artificial intelligence (AI), its growth, representation, ChatGPT, GPT-5, and more. Altman said that the AI revolution will happen “fastest by far”, discussing the quick adoption of this technology by society. Interestingly, Altman also shed light on the possible use cases of GPT-5, as well as his most used app, and it is not ChatGPT! Let us take a closer look.Sam Altman on future AI milestones, GPT update, and moreOn the Unconfuse Me with Bill Gates podcast, OpenAI's Sam Altman sa...
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman’s Worldcoin Crypto Project Officially Launches

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman’s Worldcoin Crypto Project Officially Launches

[ad_1] It took three years, multiple digital-asset market dislocations and hundreds of millions of dollars, but the eyeball-scanning crypto project known as Worldcoin has officially launched.“Worldcoin is an attempt at global scale alignment,” the digital identity and crypto payments project co-founded by OpenAI Chief Executive Officer Sam Altman said in a statement Monday. “The journey will be challenging and the outcome is uncertain.” Both the digital asset market and the broader tech industry have undergone sharp changes in the years following the project's founding. Since June 2021, when Bloomberg first reported on Altman's new startup, the price of Bitcoin has taken a rollercoaster ride from about $32,000 to a high of more than $67,000 and back to less than $30,000. Some of the sta...
Sam Altman: the quick, deep thinker leading OpenAI

Sam Altman: the quick, deep thinker leading OpenAI

[ad_1] An influential Silicon Valley presence for more than a decade, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is emerging as the tech titan of the AI age, riding the wave of ChatGPT, the bot his company unleashed on the world. Altman testified on Tuesday to a US Senate Judiciary Committee panel and said artificial intelligence could be at a "printing press" moment, which would make him one of its main pioneers. In 2015, Altman joined Tesla chief Elon Musk and others in starting OpenAI, a research company with a stated goal of building generative AI that benefits humanity. "The technological progress we make in the next 100 years will be far larger than all we've made since we first controlled fire and invented the wheel," Altman said in a 2021 blog post. Born in 1985 into a Jewish family, Altman grew u...