Tag: OpenAI CEO

With Sora, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman turns X user prompts into stunning AI videos

With Sora, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman turns X user prompts into stunning AI videos

[ad_1] OpenAI launched a new video generation tool called Sora that creates up to 60 seconds of video from text prompts. The official announcement of the Sora AI model was made from OpenAI's X account. After the official announcement, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman asked X users to provide prompts and promised he would create AI videos through Sora based on them. He did not disappoint as a number of these stunning AI-generated videos were uploaded by him based on those very prompts.Sora AI videos on XAltman's post said, “We'd like to show you what Sora can do, please reply with captions for videos you'd like to see and we'll start making some!” After the post, X users sent a number of prompts. Among them, was this user who wanted, “A street-level tour through a futuristic city which is in harmon...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: Google says India very optimistic on AI, OpenAI CEO fears AI dangers, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: Google says India very optimistic on AI, OpenAI CEO fears AI dangers, more

[ad_1] AI roundup: Across the world, governments and corporates are looking to adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to power up growth and harness new areas of generating revenue. Now, a Google study reveals what India thinks about the new tech. It emerges that India has become the most hopeful country as far as AI is concerned. On the other hand, there are dangers present in this space too. OpenAI CEO has expressed his fear that AI could be dangerous if misalignments occur in technology goals and expectations. Know more about what happened in the AI-verse today.Google study reveals India to be the most optimistic country on AIIn a recent Google study, over 1000 Indian residents took part in a study where 70 percent of users said that they are sensing a positive impact of AI. W...
ChatGPT-maker OpenAI CEO Sam Altman warns ‘misalignments’ could make artificial intelligence dangerous

ChatGPT-maker OpenAI CEO Sam Altman warns ‘misalignments’ could make artificial intelligence dangerous

[ad_1] The CEO of ChatGPT-maker OpenAI said Tuesday that the dangers that keep him awake at night regarding artificial intelligence are the “very subtle societal misalignments” that could make the systems wreak havoc.Sam Altman, speaking at the World Governments Summit in Dubai via a video call, reiterated his call for a body like the International Atomic Energy Agency to be created to oversee AI that's likely advancing faster than the world expects. “There's some things in there that are easy to imagine where things really go wrong. And I'm not that interested in the killer robots walking on the street direction of things going wrong," Altman said. "I'm much more interested in the very subtle societal misalignments where we just have these systems out in society and through no particul...
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman seeks to raise billions for network of AI chip factories

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman seeks to raise billions for network of AI chip factories

[ad_1] OpenAI Chief Executive Officer Sam Altman, who has been working to raise billions of dollars from global investors for a chip venture, aims to use the funds to set up a network of factories to manufacture semiconductors, according to several people with knowledge of the plans.Altman has had conversations with several large potential investors in the hopes of raising the vast sums needed for chip fabrication plants, or fabs, as they're known colloquially, said the people, who requested anonymity because the conversations are private.  Firms that have held discussions with Altman include Abu Dhabi-based G42, people told Bloomberg last month, and SoftBank Group Corp., some of the people said. The project would involve working with top chip manufacturers, and the network of fabs woul...
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman unveils vision for AI’s impact on economy and society at WEF Davos

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman unveils vision for AI’s impact on economy and society at WEF Davos

[ad_1] Davos [Switzerland], January 19 (ANI): In a Davos session themed 'Technology in a Turbulent World,' Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, delved into the future trajectory of artificial intelligence (AI), offering profound insights into its role as a driving force for global economies and societies.Altman highlighted the theme of 'Artificial Intelligence as a Driving Force for the Economy and Society,' a pivotal focus at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting. Altman said, "Even with its very limited current capability and its very deep flaws, people are finding ways to use this tool for great productivity gains or other gains and understand the limitations. People understand tools and the limitations of tools more than we often give them credit for." He added, "People have found ways to...
Did OpenAI CEO Sam Altman just got married to partner Oliver Mulherin? Viral post suggests so

Did OpenAI CEO Sam Altman just got married to partner Oliver Mulherin? Viral post suggests so

[ad_1] OpenAI CEO Sam Altman may have gone through a huge crisis after being fired and re-appointed within days, but he is not letting any grass grow under his feet as far as his personal life is concerned. Social media is all agog about Altman marrying his partner Oliver Mulherin today. While no official word has come from any source so far, a few photographs are going viral on X/Twitter indicating the deed is done. These photos were reportedly shared by Mulhorin, but that is not confirmed. In fact, there is still no official confirmation about the marriage at all except what is going viral on the web.The affair came to light not a long time ago. Altman and Mulhorin were noticed together last year when they attended a state dinner at the White House. They were then reported to be stayi...
Artificial intelligence to dominate CES 2024, even without OpenAI CEO Sam Altman on hand

Artificial intelligence to dominate CES 2024, even without OpenAI CEO Sam Altman on hand

[ad_1] OpenAI boss Sam Altman will not appear at the CES trade show in Las Vegas next week. But the generative artificial-intelligence fever his startup set off last year will be on full display as gadget makers race to find consumer uses for the technology. In devices for the visually impaired, and safety systems involving guns at schools, to facial-recognition software that can assess vitals, and cabin-monitoring systems inside autonomous cars, dozens of companies have planned announcements for the show about how they are building AI into their gadgets. CES 2024, formerly known as the Consumer Electronics Show, runs Jan. 9-12. OpenAI's influence at the show despite Altman's physical absence is reminiscent of Apple and its founder Steve Jobs, whose clout was felt despite him avoiding...
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman ouster was result of drawn-out tensions – Blow-by-blow account

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman ouster was result of drawn-out tensions – Blow-by-blow account

[ad_1] When OpenAI's board made the shocking decision to fire Chief Executive Officer Sam Altman on the Friday before Thanksgiving, it offered little detail beyond a statement that the leader of the artificial intelligence startup was not “consistently candid” with its directors.The statement, devoid of any details, was the opening volley in a power struggle that played out almost entirely behind closed doors. Privately, Altman and the board jockeyed over what to say publicly and when, according to people familiar with the situation. At one point, during the discussions about Altman's possible return as CEO, he offered to publicly apologize for misrepresenting some board members' views in conversations when he was lobbying for a director's removal, the people said. But the board was con...
Sam Altman speaks out on being fired by OpenAI and bearing no ill-will against Ilya Sutskever

Sam Altman speaks out on being fired by OpenAI and bearing no ill-will against Ilya Sutskever

[ad_1] In a recent turn of events, Sam Altman, co-founder of OpenAI, has reclaimed his position as the CEO of OpenAI after a tumultuous episode involving his shocking initial dismissal and subsequent reinstatement. The lingering question that has stayed in many people's minds is the reason behind this unexpected sequence of events. During an interview with The Verge, Altman addressed this query and more. While refraining from disclosing the initial cause of his dismissal, he expressed his joy at rejoining the company. Altman emphasised that the matter is still under investigation, urging that such questions should be directed to the OpenAI board rather than himself. When The Verge questioned his initial emotions upon OpenAI's offer to return, Altman admitted to feeling hurt and angry an...
Sam Altman officially returns as OpenAI CEO; Microsoft gets a seat on the board too

Sam Altman officially returns as OpenAI CEO; Microsoft gets a seat on the board too

[ad_1] OpenAI has been through a lot of dramatic changes over these past few weeks with the board members firing the company CEO Sam Altman. While the feud did not last long and Altman eventually made his way back as OpenAI CEO, the company has made significant changes in their board with three new members and Microsoft is also getting a seat on the board, however, as a silent member. Check Microsoft's role in the OpenAI board and how it will function to ensure the company's success.Sam Altman returns as OpenAI CEOA memo, which was shared by Altman with his employees about his comeback as CEO and future plans for the company, was reported by The Verge. In the memo, Altman said, “I have never been more excited about the future. I am extremely grateful for everyone's hard work in an uncle...