Tag: online child sexual abuse

AI-generated child sexual abuse images could flood the internet. A watchdog is calling for action

AI-generated child sexual abuse images could flood the internet. A watchdog is calling for action

[ad_1] The already-alarming proliferation of child sexual abuse images on the internet could become much worse if something is not done to put controls on artificial intelligence tools that generate deepfake photos, a watchdog agency warned on Tuesday.In a written report, the U.K.-based Internet Watch Foundation urges governments and technology providers to act quickly before a flood of AI-generated images of child sexual abuse overwhelms law enforcement investigators and vastly expands the pool of potential victims. “We're not talking about the harm it might do,” said Dan Sexton, the watchdog group's chief technology officer. “This is happening right now and it needs to be addressed right now.” In a first-of-its-kind case in South Korea, a man was sentenced in September to 2 1/2 years ...