Tag: omega 3 fatty acid

5 Essential Nutrients Every Woman From 25-45 Age Must Have: Expert Shares

5 Essential Nutrients Every Woman From 25-45 Age Must Have: Expert Shares

[ad_1] The nutritional needs of women differ drastically from men, especially during their reproductive years. During 25-45 years of age, women often juggle multiple responsibilities, including career, family, and personal pursuits, which can lead to neglecting their own nutritional needs. However, many Indian women in this age group remain unaware of the crucial role that specific nutrients play in maintaining their health. While speaking to NDTV Food, Dr Sushma Singh, a PG resident from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at VMMC and Safadarjung Hospital, said, "Reproductive age group females are vulnerable to undernutrition, especially in lower socio-economic status." In fact, during the Poshan Summit 2023 held by outlet Onlymyhealth, it was revealed that malnutrition is risi...
Conjunctivitis Got You Down? Try These Expert-Recommended Foods For Relief

Conjunctivitis Got You Down? Try These Expert-Recommended Foods For Relief

[ad_1] Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is an uncomfortable eye condition that can cause redness, itching, and inflammation in the eyes. The condition is quite rampant these days, which calls for our attention to precautionary measures. While medications and proper eye care are essential for treating conjunctivitis, a well-balanced diet can also play a significant role in promoting eye health and alleviating symptoms. One group of nutrients that has been linked to eye health is omega fatty acids.Understanding Omega Fatty Acids:Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that our bodies cannot produce on their own, so we must obtain them from the foods we eat. There are three main types of omega fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9. For conjunctivitis relief, omega-3 fatty aci...