Tag: nuclear fusion

WEF 2024: Sam Altman and Satya Nadella highlight the future impact of AI

WEF 2024: Sam Altman and Satya Nadella highlight the future impact of AI

[ad_1] The World Economic Forum (WEF 2024) at Davos has been going on with full force with various tech CEOs attending the event including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. On Tuesday Altman discussed about the future of AI and said it was an energy guzzler and that its future would be secure only if we get an energy breakthrough. Additionally, Microsofit's Satya Nadella also talked about the impact of AI in science. Know what the two tech giants said about Artificial intelligence (AI).Sam Altman and Satya Nadella at DavosThe WEF 2024 commenced on January 15, 2024, and on the second day the most known faces of the tech industry, Sam Altman and Satya Nadella highlighted what the future of AI would look like. While we talk about AI, currently it's in its very initial ...
The UK’s Best Hope for Tech Prowess Sits in Its Labs, Not Apps or AI

The UK’s Best Hope for Tech Prowess Sits in Its Labs, Not Apps or AI

[ad_1]  This is the season when the UK pitches itself as a technology trendsetter.In November, the government plans to convene hundreds of international financiers and executives to promote investing opportunities in British companies, including those working on nuclear fusion and “deep tech.” That same month, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will host the inaugural AI Safety Summit, an event designed to position the nation as a global leader on the critical technology.  It's a tough sell. A sluggish national economy, tepid capital markets and the lingering impacts of Brexit have left the UK with few tech companies that credibly compete on a global scale. For the upcoming artificial intelligence summit, Sunak is chiefly inviting executives from Silicon Valley.  We are now on WhatsApp. Click t...
Quasi-stars: What will happen if they enter our solar system?

Quasi-stars: What will happen if they enter our solar system?

[ad_1] One of the most mysterious entities in the universe, Quasi-stars have perplexed astronomers for years over their existence. But what would happen if it ever entered our solar system? Find out. It is only when you look deep into space is when you realize how infinitely vast it is and how astoundingly large objects it carries within it. We all know that compared to the outer planets and the Sun, the size of Earth becomes insignificantly small. But even our Sun, which is the largest celestial body in the solar system, feels small when compared to some of the larger stars. For example, UY Scuti is approximately 1700 times larger than the Sun. But even these stars feel as big as a pebble when compared to the mythical quasi-star. So, what are they, how do they form and what can happe...
Zombie worlds: 5 spooky planets orbiting dead stars

Zombie worlds: 5 spooky planets orbiting dead stars

[ad_1] Stars shine by the process of nuclear fusion in which lighter atoms, such as hydrogen, fuse together to create heavier ones. All stars, including the Sun, have a finite lifetime. Stars shine by the process of nuclear fusion in which lighter atoms, such as hydrogen, fuse together to create heavier ones. This process releases vast quantities of energy which counteracts the ever-present inward pull of the star's gravity. Ultimately, fusion helps stars to resist gravitational collapse. This balance of forces is called “hydrostatic equilibrium”. However, there will come a time when the supply of fuel in the core of a star starts to run out and it eventually dies. Stars with more than about eight times the mass of the Sun will typically burn through their fuel in less than 100...