Tag: nonna

Made With Love: This Restaurant Is Run Not By Chefs, But By Grandmothers From Around The World

Made With Love: This Restaurant Is Run Not By Chefs, But By Grandmothers From Around The World

[ad_1] All foodies (almost) can agree on this. Even if you are a fan of enjoying rich foods served at restaurants prepared by expert professional chefs, at the end of the day, you always come back to your home-cooked food, especially if it is prepared by your mother or grandmother. A professional chef can ace a dish in the best way possible, taking your taste buds on a gastronomical adventure. However, a grandmother can transform a humble recipe into the best thing you will ever eat for the rest of your life, thanks to her secret ingredient, love. Building on this idea, Joe Scaravella opened a restaurant in New York where the kitchen is run not by professional chefs, but by grandmothers from around the world. Scaravella started the restaurant as a way to honour his nonna, mother and sist...