Tag: new technologie

Will AI Take My Job? Bosses Shouldn’t Only Consider Bottom Line, Says Expert

Will AI Take My Job? Bosses Shouldn’t Only Consider Bottom Line, Says Expert

[ad_1]  The meteoric rise of AI has catapulted the world into uncharted territory. That's good news for futurists like Amy Webb, who studies emerging technologies and uses quantitative and qualitative modeling to forecast how they'll impact business and society.As founder and CEO of the Future Today Institute, Webb has been grappling with AI and all its concomitant fears, from end-of-humanity doomsday scenarios to market flash crashes and jobs destruction. We caught up with Webb earlier this week at the SXSW conference in Sydney. (Questions and responses have been edited and condensed.) We are now on WhatsApp. Click to join.How is AI affecting worker productivity?AI can greatly improve productivity for cognitive jobs where there's a lot of reading, sorting and tagging, which you often f...