Tag: nasa’s new discovery

NASA Alert! A massive asteroid is rapidly approaching Earth

NASA Alert! A massive asteroid is rapidly approaching Earth

[ad_1] NASA has issued an alert about a massive asteroid that will come close to Earth later this month. The asteroid, known as 2023 CL3, is estimated to be around 656 feet wide. NASA has included it in the “Earth Close Approaches list”, which keeps track of space asteroids that need to be monitored. This particular asteroid is more than twice the size of the Statue of Liberty.The Statue of Liberty, a famous landmark in New York, stands at a height of 305 feet when you consider the base and 151 feet when you only include the female figure. If an asteroid of that size were to collide with Earth, it could cause significant damage. That's why space agencies consider any asteroid larger than a certain size that comes within 4.65 million miles of Earth as "potentially hazardous." Asteroid 20...
Earth-like exoplanet with volcanoes found by NASA’s TESS and Spitzer telescopes

Earth-like exoplanet with volcanoes found by NASA’s TESS and Spitzer telescopes

[ad_1] Scientists using NASA's TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) and Spitzer Space Telescope have made a remarkable discovery —an Earth sized exoplanet orbiting a star in a neighbouring galaxy. This finding provides the strongest evidence to date of active volcanoes existing beyond our solar system. The observations indicate that this rocky planet has a rugged surface and experiences frequent eruptions, resembling Jupiter's moon Io, which is the most volcanically active body in our solar system. While the volcanism on the exoplanet wasn't directly observed, scientists inferred its presence from the gravitational interaction with the larger of the two planets also orbiting the star. The gravitational pull of the larger planet may cause the newly identified exoplanet to flex a...