Tag: nasa webb telescope

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope snaps NGC 604, unlocks some star formation mysteries

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope snaps NGC 604, unlocks some star formation mysteries

[ad_1] Stars are born in chaotic and fascinating environments, and scientists are eager to understand more about these processes. And at the forefront of this exploration is US space agency NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. Ever since its launch, it is helping astronomers see these celestial events like never before.Recently, James Webb Space Telescope captured two stunning images of NGC 604, a place in the Triangulum galaxy where stars are forming. It's about 2.73 million light-years away from Earth. These images show us bubbles and long strands of gas where stars are being born. Inside NGC 604, there are over 200 very hot and massive stars. These stars, called B-types and O-types, are rare in our cosmic neighborhood. There's nowhere quite like NGC 604 in our own Milky Way galaxy. Bec...
James Webb Telescope reveals supermassive black holes rarer in early universe than expected

James Webb Telescope reveals supermassive black holes rarer in early universe than expected

[ad_1] Ever since NASA launched the James Webb Space Telescope, it has contributed to a number of new discoveries such as finding ancient galaxies, black holes, deep space phenomena, and more. Now, the James Webb telescope data has contradicted the theory of the presence of supermassive black holes. Webb Telescope shows that they are rarer in numbers in the early universe than NASA expected. Check what the researchers found.Findings on black holesAccording to research published in The Astrophysical Journal, scientists found slowly growing supermassive black holes. This discovery was made with the help of Webb Space Telescope's Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). Allison Kirkpatrick, an astronomer at the University of Kansas and the study's lead author of the research said, “As it turns out...
Big find! NASA’s James Webb Telescope detects alternative form of carbon-based molecules

Big find! NASA’s James Webb Telescope detects alternative form of carbon-based molecules

[ad_1] The apparently empty spaces in our universe are not truly devoid of matter. Instead, they are often occupied by clouds of gas and cosmic dust. These dust clouds consist of diverse-sized grains with different compositions, originating from various processes such as supernova events. That's why, this cosmic material plays a vital role in the evolution of the universe, acting as the building blocks for new stars and planets. In the latest development to detect these crucial grains, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has detected carbon-rich dust grains in the early universe. To be precise, one billion years after the birth of the Universe!Similar observations of the carbon-based molecules known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been observed in the much more recent Univ...
SHOCKING! James Webb Space Telescope suffers a mysterious glitch

SHOCKING! James Webb Space Telescope suffers a mysterious glitch

[ad_1] Houston, we have a problem! The NASA James Webb Space Telescope is facing a mysterious issue in deep space. The JWST has played a pivotal role in capturing unseen images from distant space and helping scientists explore the universe more than ever before since it became operational last year. But now, one of its key instruments, the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), has suffered a sensor glitch. The glitch was caught during a routine performance monitoring and calibration procedure by NASA. Know how it can affect the performance of the James Webb telescope.On April 21, NASA posted in its blog, “This month, while performing calibration by comparing the brightness of standard stars that have been well-cataloged by other observatories to what Webb's Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) was ...
Stunning! NASA James Webb Space Telescope snaps RARE sight of a DYING star

Stunning! NASA James Webb Space Telescope snaps RARE sight of a DYING star

[ad_1] NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is known for capturing amazing glimpses of the objects in space. Revealing one of the first observations made by the James Webb Telescope, NASA informed that the telescope captured the rare sight of a Wolf-Rayet star in the month of June 2022. "The rare sight of a Wolf-Rayet star – among the most luminous, most massive, and most briefly detectable stars known – was one of the first observations made by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope in June 2022. Webb shows the star, WR 124, in unprecedented detail with its powerful infrared instruments," the US space agency stated.The star is 15,000 light-years away in the constellation Sagitta. NASA further explained, massive stars race through their life cycles, and only some of them go through a brief Wol...
Google Bard Chatbot Horror: How NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope destroyed $100 BILLION

Google Bard Chatbot Horror: How NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope destroyed $100 BILLION

[ad_1] The NASA James Webb Space Telescope made some spectacular discoveries last year. However, in a big shock to stock markets and investors, Google's newest tech breakthrough, an AI chatbot named Bard, has been counting even those discoveries that were not made by the Webb telescope. In short, Google Bard glitch had a massive negative impact on Google's stock value. On February 7, Google held an event where it unveiled Google Bard and its new AI capabilities. However, the live demonstration went horribly wrong when the AI chatbot gave out a wrong answer regarding James Webb Telescope. Investor faith in the product was reported to be underwhelming and in the immediate period following the event, Google suffered a massive $100 billion worth of loss in market value, as per reports. Kno...
James Webb Telescope, Chandra Observatory snap astonishing Tarantula Nebula image

James Webb Telescope, Chandra Observatory snap astonishing Tarantula Nebula image

[ad_1] NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has teamed up with the Chandra X-ray Observatory to show an astonishing view of the Tarantula Nebula. Last year, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope snapped the Tarantula Nebula, also called 30 Doradus, located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a small neighbouring galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy. It has long been studied by astronomers to better understand how stars like the Sun are born and evolve. Now, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and James Webb Telescope have teamed up to reveal an astonishing view of the Tarantula Nebula. The new composite image combines X-ray data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory and infrared images from the James Webb Space Telescope to show a stellar view of the Nebula."The X-rays (royal blue and purple) reveal gas that...
NASA James Webb Space Telescope uncovers star formation in cluster’s dusty ribbons

NASA James Webb Space Telescope uncovers star formation in cluster’s dusty ribbons

[ad_1] NGC 346, one of the most dynamic star-forming regions in nearby galaxies, is full of mystery. Now, it is less mysterious with new findings from the NASA James Webb Space Telescope. NGC 346, one of the most dynamic star-forming regions in nearby galaxies, is full of mystery. Now, it is less mysterious with new findings from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. NCG 346 is located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), a dwarf galaxy close to our Milky Way. The SMC contains lower concentrations of elements heavier than hydrogen or helium, which astronomers call metals, compared to the Milky Way. Since dust grains in Space are composed mostly of metals, scientists expected there would be low amounts of dust, and that it would be hard to detect. New data from Webb reveals the opposit...
Webb telescope promises new age of the stars

Webb telescope promises new age of the stars

[ad_1] The James Webb Space Telescope lit up 2022 with dazzling images of the early universe after the Big Bang, heralding a new era of astronomy and untold revelations about the cosmos in years to come. The James Webb Space Telescope lit up 2022 with dazzling images of the early universe after the Big Bang, heralding a new era of astronomy and untold revelations about the cosmos in years to come. The most powerful observatory sent into space succeeded the Hubble telescope, which is still operating, and began transmitting its first cosmic images in July. "It essentially behaves better than expected in almost every area," said Massimo Stiavelli, head of the Webb mission office at the Space Telescope Science Institute, in Baltimore. Already scientists say the Webb telescope, now ...
James Webb Space Telescope reveals big surprise that blindsided Hubble Telescope

James Webb Space Telescope reveals big surprise that blindsided Hubble Telescope

[ad_1] The image captured by the NASA James Webb Space Telescope has revealed a a big stellar surprise in the Southern Ring Nebula. The release of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope's images have provided a great chance for astronomers around the world to observe never-seen-before parts of deep space. And not just that, even what was visible before, became even more clear and this has sprung a surprise or two for astronomers. Aong the first images taken by Webb earlier this year was one of the Southern Ring Nebula. Now, researchers are analysing this data and have found evidence of an unknown star.The Southern Ring Nebula, which is located around 2000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Vela, was earlier assumed to contain two stars. This nebula, also known as NGC 3132 had also...