Tag: nasa super earth

9th planet in our solar system? Super Earth could spell trouble for us

9th planet in our solar system? Super Earth could spell trouble for us

[ad_1] Humans have been searching for a planet similar to Earth for more than a century now. Organizations such as NASA, ISRO, CNSA, and ESA have been using their vast resources such as the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) to explore potential planets that may be capable of supporting life in the future, in case the need to abandon Earth ever arises.But what if there was a 9th planet located in our very own solar system? Not a dwarf planet like Pluto, but a “Super Earth” with size larger than Earth located between Mars and Jupiter – would it have any impact on our solar system? A recent study seems to have answered this hypothetical question. Presence of a Super EarthAccording to a study carried out at the University of California in Riverside, the presence of a Super Earth...
Super-Earths are more habitable than Earth- astronomers think there are billions of them

Super-Earths are more habitable than Earth- astronomers think there are billions of them

[ad_1] Astronomers now routinely discover planets orbiting stars outside of the solar system – they’re called exoplanets. Astronomers now routinely discover planets orbiting stars outside of the solar system – they're called exoplanets. But in summer 2022, teams working on NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite found a few particularly interesting planets orbiting in the habitable zones of their parent stars. One planet is 30% larger than Earth and orbits its star in less than three days. The other is 70% larger than the Earth and might host a deep ocean. These two exoplanets are super-Earths – more massive than the Earth but smaller than ice giants like Uranus and Neptune. I'm a professor of astronomy who studies ...