Tag: NASA star forming region

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 4 January 2023: Cometary Globule seen near a galaxy

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 4 January 2023: Cometary Globule seen near a galaxy

[ad_1] NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day is a mesmerizing picture of a star-forming region which resembles comets, known as Cometary Globules. Cometary Globules are small clouds of gas and dust in the Milky Way Galaxy. What's striking is that these globules have morphology just like comets. They have compact and opaque heads with long and luminous tails. According to NASA, the globules are most likely dense clumps of gas and dust that existed before the hot, massive stars were born. But once the stars began to irradiate and destroy their surroundings, the clumps became visible when their less dense surroundings were eroded away. They are hydrogen-rich and consist of carbon oxides and helium.Like Nebulae, globules are also the birthplace of stars. They are known to be one of the cold...