Tag: NASA small body database

104-foot wide KILLER asteroid sprinting towards the Earth, says NASA! Check impact risk

104-foot wide KILLER asteroid sprinting towards the Earth, says NASA! Check impact risk

[ad_1] NASA has reported that a 104-foot wide asteroid called 2013 TJ6 will make its closest approach to the Earth on October 7. Is there a risk of asteroid impact? Find out. Near Earth Objects are the asteroids that orbit and move among the inner planets of the solar system. There are over 20,000 such asteroids that have been discovered so far, and many carry the potential of one day slamming into the Earth and causing a major catastrophe. The NASA NEOWISE (Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) telescope is among the tech marvels that have been tasked to spot and monitor such asteroids to help the space agency plan ahead in case one of them threatens to impact. And on October 7, a 104-foot wide asteroid will be one of those that the NEOWISE will be closely observing....