Tag: nasa NGC 6543

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 25 May 2023: Breathtaking Cat’s Eye Nebula

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 25 May 2023: Breathtaking Cat’s Eye Nebula

[ad_1] NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is published on a daily basis and the US space agency showcases photographs of celestial objects captured by astrophotographers from all over the world. NASA also snaps objects in space using its advanced technology such as the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope, the James Webb Space Telescope and other observational assets. In fact, the newly launched James Webb Telescope has enabled NASA to observe and study objects located millions of light-years away in space, much further than the veteran Hubble Telescope. However, while these big guns are in constant use by NASA, the agency also keeps an eye on what lay astrophotographers around the world are doing in order to highlight the images they took too.Today's NASA Astronomy Pict...