Tag: nasa near earth asteroids

86-foot asteroid hurtling towards Earth! NASA shares details about this Aircraft-sized space rock

86-foot asteroid hurtling towards Earth! NASA shares details about this Aircraft-sized space rock

[ad_1] NASA recently completed a historic mission as its OSIRIS-REx spacecraft brought the first-ever asteroid sample to the US soil on September 24. The spacecraft travelled a distance of almost 7 billion kilometers on its journey, during which it virtually landed on an asteroid known as Bennu, which has a 1/2700 chance of impacting Earth between 2175 and 2195. It collected dust and rock samples from the asteroid's surface and brought it back to Earth. Astonishingly, scientists have now revealed that it brought back too many samples and it will take some time to complete the Touch-and-Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism (TAGSM).Christopher Snead, deputy OSIRIS-REx curation lead at NASA's Johnson Space Center said, “There's a lot of abundant material outside the TAGSAM head that's interesti...
Asteroid hurtling towards Earth today! NASA clocks it travelling at 25785 kmph

Asteroid hurtling towards Earth today! NASA clocks it travelling at 25785 kmph

[ad_1] Since asteroids are an ever-present threat, apart from NASA, other organizations too are engaged in efforts to establish protocols for planetary protection against such threats. The International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN) and the Space Mission Planning Advisory Group (SMPAG) have joined hands in order to eliminate planetary threats. While IAWN is tasked with establishing protocols and developing communication plans to aid in decision-making, SMPAG is responsible for selecting the technology that is needed for the deflection of Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) like asteroids and finalize the measures for planetary defense. In the meanwhile, in a separate development, NASA, with the help of its advanced technological instruments, has issued a warning against an asteroid that is hurt...
This asteroid got horrifyingly close to Earth, just 4000km, NASA says

This asteroid got horrifyingly close to Earth, just 4000km, NASA says

[ad_1] NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office is the organization responsible for monitoring the skies and keeping a watch on various Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). On the morning of September 7, scientists discovered an asteroid that flew closer to Earth than most other space rocks! The asteroid, designated C9FMVU2, was discovered just a few hours prior to its close approach. As per the details, it passed Earth at a distance of just 4000 kilometers, which is just 1/100 the distance between the Moon and Earth!Fortunately, this asteroid was minuscule in size, with a width of just 6.5 feet, making it as big as a car. ESA revealed that even if this asteroid had entered the Earth's atmosphere, it would have turned into a fireball and streaked across the sky, breaking up into tiny pieces. ...
58-ft asteroid hurtling towards Earth, clocked speeding at a whopping 41100 kmph by NASA

58-ft asteroid hurtling towards Earth, clocked speeding at a whopping 41100 kmph by NASA

[ad_1] The 16 Psyche asteroid has been one of the most shocking discoveries in recent years. One of the biggest asteroids in our solar system, 16 Psyche is made up of gold, nickel, and iron deposits. According to NASA, this asteroid could be worth more than the whole Earth's economy put together. It is worth a staggering $10 quadrillion! To study it up close, NASA is in the final stages of preparation for its Psyche Mission where the spacecraft will go on a momentous 4 billion kilometer journey to reach the asteroid. With the launch scheduled for October 5, Psyche spacecraft is in the final stages of preparation for liftoff from the Kennedy Space Center in FloridaNASA has now revealed crucial information about an asteroid that will make its closest approach to Earth today, and while thi...
After MISSING this dangerous asteroid completely, NASA tracks latest one on the horizon

After MISSING this dangerous asteroid completely, NASA tracks latest one on the horizon

[ad_1] An asteroid flew past Earth at an extremely close distance, but was seemingly missed by all space agencies! NASA revealed that the asteroid in question, Asteroid 2023 NT1, made its closest approach to Earth on July 13 when it entered Earth's 60,000-mile radius, which is 4 times closer than the Moon! It was not a small rock either, as scientists later revealed it was nearly 200 feet wide, about 4 times the size of the Chelyabinsk asteroid that caused massive damage in Russia. The space rock was found by the Asteroid Terrestrials-Impacts Last Alert System (ATLAS) observatory in South Africa on July 15.NASA has also revealed details about an asteroid that will pass the planet at a close distance soon. But will it impact? Read on to find out. When will it pass Earth?According to the ...
NASA telescopes track 65-foot asteroid approaching Earth at breakneck speed

NASA telescopes track 65-foot asteroid approaching Earth at breakneck speed

[ad_1] Asteroids are described as ancient space rocks left over from the early formation of our solar system around 4.6 billion years ago. These objects pass Earth occasionally at safe distances. NASA has carried out several missions to these rocks to study them up close. While the DART Test was in the news last year as the first-ever planetary defense test, the space agency also carried out missions like Dawn, OSIRIS-REx, and Hayabusa2.The purpose of these missions is to study asteroids, minimize any uncertainties around their dangers and determine whether we could extract resources from them in the future. Research on asteroids is critical since it can provide valuable information on the early stages of the solar system and planetary development. Furthermore, these celestial bodies mi...
Asteroid threat looms as NASA tracks 200-foot space rock hurtling towards Earth

Asteroid threat looms as NASA tracks 200-foot space rock hurtling towards Earth

[ad_1] NASA has carried out several missions to asteroids in space to date, but perhaps its DART Test might be the most important of them. It was the space agency's first planetary defense test which it carried out by smashing a spacecraft into an oncoming asteroid to deflect it off its course. The $330 million venture proved to be a success as the target asteroid named Dimorphos deflected off its path. Although NASA experts claim that no asteroid is expected to impact Earth for at least the next 100 years, countermeasures for planetary defense are important as they can help prevent the loss of life in case any asteroid strays towards Earth.In a similar event, NASA has issued a warning that an asteroid will come extremely close to Earth but is not expected to hit the planet. Know detail...
Apollo asteroid hurtling towards Earth at blistering speed! Clocked at 38405 kmph by NASA

Apollo asteroid hurtling towards Earth at blistering speed! Clocked at 38405 kmph by NASA

[ad_1] To counter the potential threat that is posed by asteroids, NASA has already made efforts in planetary protection with its DART Test. Moreover, the International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN) and the Space Mission Planning Advisory Group (SMPAG) have joined hands in order to eliminate planetary threats. While IAWN is tasked with establishing protocols and developing communication plans to aid in decision-making, SMPAG is responsible for selecting the technology that is needed for the deflection of Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) like asteroids and finalize the measures for planetary defense. Working in tandem, both these organizations, along with other space agencies around the world, are tasked with protecting Earth and life on it from rogue asteroids.NASA, with the help of its adva...
NASA tracks Asteroid 2023 MR1 hurtling towards Earth! Reveals close approach details

NASA tracks Asteroid 2023 MR1 hurtling towards Earth! Reveals close approach details

[ad_1] To discover, monitor and study asteroids in space, NASA has several space telescopes and ground-based observatories in place. These include the famous Hubble Space Telescope and the new James Webb Space Telescope. Moreover, spacecraft such as Dawn, OSIRIS-REx, and Hayabusa2 have also helped in studying these ancient space rocks. As of now, there are 1,298,210 known asteroids in space and while not all of them are dangerous, some of them can get knocked off their orbit due to interaction with a planet's gravitational field such as Jupiter, and head towards Earth for potential impact. Therefore, it is imperative that these asteroids are continuously monitored to minimize the uncertainties around their close approach.NASA has also revealed details about an asteroid that will pass th...
Skyscraper-sized asteroid to buzz Earth! Clocked at 42512 kmph by NASA

Skyscraper-sized asteroid to buzz Earth! Clocked at 42512 kmph by NASA

[ad_1] Asteroids are considered ancient debris left over from the early formation of the solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. Despite existing in abundance in space, only a handful of spacecraft have ever interacted with these space rocks. One of the close interactions took place last year as NASA's DART Test resulted in the successful diversion of asteroid Dimorphos from its path. But efforts to study asteroids are not new. Back in 2017, NASA launched the Dawn spacecraft which orbited Vesta, one of the largest asteroids in the asteroid belt with a diameter of about 525 kilometers. It arrived in 2011 and orbited the asteroid for over a year before leaving to explore dwarf planet Ceres.While it has not been close studied yet, NASA has tracked an asteroid that is expected to make its...