Tag: NASA MSH 15 52 nebula

NASA Chandra, IXPE telescopes showcase stunning ghostly cosmic hand

NASA Chandra, IXPE telescopes showcase stunning ghostly cosmic hand

[ad_1] The space is filled with mysteries, and no matter how many of them we uncover, finding something new still instills a feeling of awe. That is one of the reasons why space agencies such as NASA invest so much in space exploration. In 2021, it launched the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), a space observatory with three identical telescopes designed to measure the polarization of cosmic X-rays. Together with the NASA Chandra telescope, it has now discovered a stunning pulsar wind nebula. Named MSH 15-52, it resembles a bony human hand, and NASA is calling it the ‘ghostly cosmic hand'.Posting about the observation in a blog post, NASA said, “In 2001, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory first observed the pulsar PSR B1509-58 and revealed that its pulsar wind nebula (referred to...