Tag: NASA moon study

On the Moon, China finds hidden water in glass beads!

On the Moon, China finds hidden water in glass beads!

[ad_1] Mankind has been in search of planets which could support life one day should the need ever arise to leave Earth. Although there are more planets in the Universe than you could ever imagine, most have one substance missing which makes our Blue Planet so unique – Water. It is the elixir of life behind every living being on planet Earth. Shockingly, China has now found found water on a source not far from Earth – the Moon. Although the presence of water on the Moon was already confirmed by NASA's lunar orbiters back in the 1990s, another probe has now discovered a hidden water source on the Moon.Water found in glass beadsA Chinese probe has recently discovered a hidden water source on the moon which has been found locked in glass beads. About 1731 g of regolith samples were brought...
Astonishing revelation! NASA researchers reveal time period of Moon formation

Astonishing revelation! NASA researchers reveal time period of Moon formation

[ad_1] The Moon was formed in a matter of hours, not months! Know more about this amazing revelation by NASA researchers here. In an astonishing development, a team of researchers have revealed that the formation of the Moon took mere hours, not days. The Moon has long been one of the most central pieces of the studies related to Earth. Its presence influences various phenomena on the planet, such as tides. But what caused the formation of this giant celestial object? According to NASA, a huge Mars-sized celestial object called Theia collided with Earth around 4.5 billion years ago and the Moon was formed in the aftermath of the collision. It was rumoured that the formation of Earth's natural satellite occurred over a period of months or even years but this recent research has chang...
NASA makes astonishing discovery! Poles on the Moon moved as much as 300 km

NASA makes astonishing discovery! Poles on the Moon moved as much as 300 km

[ad_1] NASA has discovered that the poles on the Moon changed with time, the agency revealed in a recently published blog. Here’s what NASA said. Did you know the Moon also has North and South poles, just like the Earth? NASA scientists have recently discovered that not only were the lunar poles were present billions of years ago, but they also moved over time. The Moon has vast craters on its surface from asteroid impacts over millions of years. These craters preserve the history which can help scientists study about the early years of our solar system. In a recent NASA blog, scientists have revealed that the lunar poles have actually moved over time. A team of scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt...