Tag: NASA jupiter moon

AWESOME! NASA will let you engrave your name on the historic Europa Clipper spacecraft for FREE

AWESOME! NASA will let you engrave your name on the historic Europa Clipper spacecraft for FREE

[ad_1] NASA has several space exploratory missions to planets such as Mars and Jupiter in place, and now the space agency is offering a unique opportunity for the public to have their name etched on a NASA spacecraft bound for Jupiter's moon, Europa. The project, called Message in a Bottle, has been launched in collaboration with the Library of Congress which allows participants to sign their names alongside a poem by US Poet Laureate Ada Limón.Get your names etched on NASA spacecraftBy signing up, your name will be laser etched onto a microchip that will be mounted on the solar-powered Europa Clipper robotic spacecraft. The spacecraft is scheduled to launch in October 2024, and your name will make a 1.8 billion-mile journey over approximately six years. Alongside your name, Ada Limón's...
NASA shares a fantastic image of Jupiter’s Ganymede Moon

NASA shares a fantastic image of Jupiter’s Ganymede Moon

[ad_1] NASA's Image of the Day is a mesmerizing snapshot of one of Jupiter's moons called Ganymede. NASA's Juno Mission flew by Jupiter for the 40th time on February 25 and captured images of the planet and one of its largest moons, Ganymede. The images were then sent to Earth where scientists recreated the images based on the JunoCam instrument. NASA releases its image of the day on a daily basis. Today's image is a mesmerizing snapshot Jupiter's Ganymede moon.NASA posted an explanation with the image, “During its 40th close pass by Jupiter, our Juno spacecraft saw Ganymede cast a large, dark spot on the planet on Feb. 25, 2022. JunoCam captured this image from very close to Jupiter, making Ganymede's shadow appear especially large. At the time the raw image was taken, the Juno space...