Tag: NASA Juno

NASA’s Juno flyby provides an extraordinary view of Jupiter moon Io’s surface

NASA’s Juno flyby provides an extraordinary view of Jupiter moon Io’s surface

[ad_1] NASA's Juno spacecraft was designed to explore the wonders of the giant planet Jupiter. Over the years, the spacecraft has given us some interesting facts about the planet and its moons and now it captured a mesmarizing image of Jupiter's fourth moon called Io during a flyby. The image showed traces of massive volcanic activities and lava-like surfaces.Juno's capabilities have reached so far that NASA expanded that mission and now the spacecraft is contributing towards various discoveries about the Jovian system. Now, with Io's image, scientists will be able to extract more information about this intriguing Jupiter moon. About images of Jupiter's moon IoNASA's Juno spacecraft captures the closest images of the moon Io. According to a Space.com report, the moon's surface is filled...
NASA’s Juno spacecraft snaps mysterious green lightning bolt on Jupiter!

NASA’s Juno spacecraft snaps mysterious green lightning bolt on Jupiter!

[ad_1] The mysteries of space can be fascinating beyond imagination. In just one year, the stunning photos taken by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope have convinced us of that. But now, other NASA spacecraft are also jumping into the action. Recently, the NASA Juno spacecraft, which is orbiting Jupiter, captured a mysterious image where a green orb can be seen deep within the planet. Aliens sending signals? Not exactly. In fact, NASA has revealed that what was captured in the image is the glow from a bolt of lightning on Jupiter.Explaining the phenomenon, a NASA blog post stated, “In this view of a vortex near Jupiter's north pole, NASA's Juno mission observed the glow from a bolt of lightning. On Earth, lightning bolts originate from water clouds, and happen most frequently near the eq...