Tag: NASA images

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 16 December 2022: Take a glimpse of Thor’s Helmet Nebula

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 16 December 2022: Take a glimpse of Thor’s Helmet Nebula

[ad_1] NASA’s astronomy picture of the day is a mesmerizing picture of the Thor’s Helmet Nebula located thousands of light-years away from Earth. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 16 December 2022: Thor is the Norse hammer-wielding god, also known as the God of Thunder. Besides protecting his own land of Asgard, the Asgardian is also the protector of humankind. Thor is often likened to the planet Jupiter due to the lightning and thunder factor. He even has a day named after him – Thursday! But that's not all. It seems like even the vast emptiness of space bows down to him as there exists a Nebula resembling the Norse god's helmet!Today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day is a mesmerizing image of a cosmic cloud termed NGC 2359. Astonishingly, the Nebula is also called Thor's Helmet du...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 15 December 2022: Mars hides behind the Moon!

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 15 December 2022: Mars hides behind the Moon!

[ad_1] NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 15 December 2022: Check out this amazing snapshot of the Red Planet hiding behind Earth’s Moon. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 15 December 2022: The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite located about 395,122 kilometers from the planet. Throughout the course of history, man has bridged that distance with various missions carried out to the Moon. Mars is a different story altogether. Although we have sent rovers to the Red Planet too, man has not been able to step a foot on its surface. Over the years, there have been numerous pictures of the Moon and Mars captured via various telescopes, satellites and more, but this recent image snapshot of the Moon as well as Mars in a single picture might be the best one yet.Today's NASA Astronomy Pictur...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 14 December 2022: Rover repaired by ‘TAPE’ on the Moon

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 14 December 2022: Rover repaired by ‘TAPE’ on the Moon

[ad_1] NASA has shared a glimpse into the Apollo 17 mission with an image of a lunar rover. Check out the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day. The Moon has fascinated scientists, astronomers as well as science fiction authors and readers for decades due to its mysterious craters, lowlands and an iron-rich core. Authors have even written books such as From the Earth to the Moon fantasizing about life on the Moon. Movies like Apollo 13, Ad Astra and Moon have documented man's attempts to go to the Moon and even establish a lunar base. However, not all is fiction. In fact, there have been countless missions to the Moon, with 6 missions landing man on the Moon by NASA alone. The last time man took a trip to Earth's natural satellite was with the Apollo 17 mission in 1972, and now NASA has s...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 12 December 2022: Elephant’s Trunk Nebula shot by NASA

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 12 December 2022: Elephant’s Trunk Nebula shot by NASA

[ad_1] NASA’s astronomy picture of the day is a mesmerizing snapshot of Elephant’s Trunk Nebula. The makeup of a Nebula consists of gases, mainly hydrogen and helium. Although these gases are spread out, they can be pulled together by gravity. As they clump together, their gravity increases by such an amount that the gas cloud collapses, causing the material at the center of the core to heat up, and this is the birth of a star, according to NASA. This is why a Nebula is also called a Star Nursery.NASA releases its Astronomy picture of the day on a daily basis. December 12's image is a mesmerizing snapshot of the Elephant's Trunk Nebula. The image was captured by astronomer Bernard Miller, an Arizona based retired electronic design engineer. He captured the image with the help of his o...
Look back in time to 270 million years! NASA’s JWST shows the dead past in awesome detail

Look back in time to 270 million years! NASA’s JWST shows the dead past in awesome detail

[ad_1] The James Webb Space Telescope has captured a stunning image looking back 270 million years into the past. The James Webb Space Telescope has been shocking us with its capabilities ever since its launch. NASA's $10 billion space telescope has been capturing breathtaking images of far-off galaxies, star clusters, black holes and more. In effect, it is looking back in time to hundreds of millions of years ago. Now, the telescope has achieved yet another feat by looking back in time and capturing a stunning image of crashing galaxies, which occurred more than 270 million years ago.ESA has released the mesmerizing image which shows an entwined pair of galaxies from the constellation Cetus around 270 million years ago. The JWST is co-managed by NASA and ESA. ESA explained in a blog ...
NASA shares a fantastic image of Jupiter’s Ganymede Moon

NASA shares a fantastic image of Jupiter’s Ganymede Moon

[ad_1] NASA's Image of the Day is a mesmerizing snapshot of one of Jupiter's moons called Ganymede. NASA's Juno Mission flew by Jupiter for the 40th time on February 25 and captured images of the planet and one of its largest moons, Ganymede. The images were then sent to Earth where scientists recreated the images based on the JunoCam instrument. NASA releases its image of the day on a daily basis. Today's image is a mesmerizing snapshot Jupiter's Ganymede moon.NASA posted an explanation with the image, “During its 40th close pass by Jupiter, our Juno spacecraft saw Ganymede cast a large, dark spot on the planet on Feb. 25, 2022. JunoCam captured this image from very close to Jupiter, making Ganymede's shadow appear especially large. At the time the raw image was taken, the Juno space...
NASA: Wow! Mesmerizing image of Northern Lights shared by astronomer

NASA: Wow! Mesmerizing image of Northern Lights shared by astronomer

[ad_1] NASA’s astronomy picture of the day is an enthralling image of the Northern Lights or Auroras over Northern Canada. Although geomagnetic storms can cause various effects which have the potential to harm Earth, they're also the reason behind one of the most beautiful natural phenomena - Northern Lights. Auroras or Northern lights are shifting curtains of light in greens, blues and pinks which light up the night sky in the Northern and Southern poles. They are called Northern Lights or Aurora Borelis in the North Pole and Southern Lights or Aurora Australis in the South Pole. Although they are often caused by Geomagnetic storms, auroras are a sight to behold for astronomers as well as night-sky watchers. NASA releases its Astronomy image of the day on a daily basis. Today's im...
Final flight! NASA telescope captures STUNNING objects in the cosmos

Final flight! NASA telescope captures STUNNING objects in the cosmos

[ad_1] The biggest flying telescope in the world, NASA’s SOFIA has shared some breathtaking images. Have a look here. The world's largest airborne telescope Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), which is operated by NASA, embarked on its final flight on September 29, 2022. Marking the end of an era, NASA shared a small breathtaking collection of the cosmic imagery assembled during the last voyage of the SOFIA telescope. NASA took to its Instagram handle to share that since 2010, the SOFIA has flown 921 flights, gathering valuable data on the cosmos.The space agency explained that the first shared image is of the galaxy Centaurus A, which has a core column made up of orange and dark red dust lanes and a lig...