Tag: nasa hubble

NASA shares mesmerizing snapshot of Whirlpool Galaxy shot by Chandra, Hubble telescopes

NASA shares mesmerizing snapshot of Whirlpool Galaxy shot by Chandra, Hubble telescopes

[ad_1] NASA recently shared a stunning series of images showcasing the captivating beauty of the Whirlpool Galaxy, providing a glimpse into the mesmerizing wonders of our universe. Shared on Instagram, these captivating snapshots offer a unique perspective of this celestial marvel, captured through the lens of various space telescopes such as the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Hubble Telescope.NASA snaps Whirlpool GalaxyThe Whirlpool Galaxy, located approximately 30 million light-years away from Earth, stands out as one of the brightest spiral galaxies adorning the night sky. NASA's composite images, crafted from data collected by the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope, unveil the intricate structure and dynamic energy of this cosmic spectacle. In the first imag...
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope’s high-resolution images offer a closer look at Jupiter’s tumultuous atmosphere

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope’s high-resolution images offer a closer look at Jupiter’s tumultuous atmosphere

[ad_1] The Hubble Space Telescope has once again mesmerized astronomers and space enthusiasts alike with its recent images of Jupiter, showcasing the gas giant's dynamic atmosphere filled with swirling storms and the iconic Great Red Spot. Captured on January 5-6, 2024 and thereafter shared by NASA, these portraits offer a glimpse into the tumultuous weather patterns and atmospheric phenomena occurring on Jupiter's colossal scale. With its exceptional clarity and precision, Hubble Telescope has provided unparalleled views of the planet's opposing hemispheres, each revealing its own unique features and characteristics.In one hemisphere, the Great Red Spot takes center stage—a massive storm system that has captured the imagination of astronomers for centuries. However, the latest images r...
NASA shares Hubble Space Telescope’s snap of LEDA 42160 galaxy that is 52 mn light-years away

NASA shares Hubble Space Telescope’s snap of LEDA 42160 galaxy that is 52 mn light-years away

[ad_1] In the vastness of space, galaxies journey through the cosmos, encountering mind-boggling challenges along the way. One such challenge is ram pressure, a force exerted by the gas and dust present in space. NASA and ESA-run Hubble Space Telescope recently captured an image showcasing the effects of this on a distant galaxy known as LEDA 42160.Situated approximately 52 million light-years away in the constellation Virgo, LEDA 42160 is a dwarf galaxy navigating through the dense gas within the Virgo cluster of galaxies. This intergalactic gas creates a pressure, known as ram pressure, which directly impacts the star formation processes within LEDA 42160. Ram pressure can have both positive and negative effects on galaxies. On one hand, it can strip a galaxy of its star-forming gas a...
NASA’s Hubble Telescope captures stellar Butterfly Nebula; Know all about NGC 2346

NASA’s Hubble Telescope captures stellar Butterfly Nebula; Know all about NGC 2346

[ad_1] NASA's Hubble Telescope has once again captivated space enthusiasts with a stunning image showcasing the "last gasp" of a dying binary star system known as NGC 2346. This system, classified as a "planetary nebula," emerges from Sun-like stars that are approaching the final stages of their life cycles.What NASA says about NGC 2346The image, shared by NASA on Instagram offers a mesmerizing glimpse into NGC 2346, located about 2,000 light-years away in the constellation Monoceros. Planetary nebulae like this are formed when Sun-like stars reach the final stages of their life cycles and eject their outer layers into space. What makes NGC 2346 particularly fascinating is its central binary star system, where two stars orbit each other in a tight 16-day cycle. The evolutionary journey ...
Hubble Space Telescope snaps special Jupiter image; NASA releases stunning photo

Hubble Space Telescope snaps special Jupiter image; NASA releases stunning photo

[ad_1] It may be quite old and the technology on it may resemble something ancient, but Hubble Space Telescope keeps giving, year in and year out even though it has been replaced by its extremely young heir, the James Webb Space Telescope. And now, the never-say-die-spirit of the Hubble Telescope has generated another awesome gift for humanity - a stupendous image of Jupiter. The ultraviolet-observing capabilities of this telescope have now allowed astronomers to study the short, high-energy wavelengths of light that we humans can not see with our naked eyes. This image of Jupiter has been released by NASA.Ultraviolet view of JupiterThe recent image of Jupiter released by NASA has been captured a color composite of ultraviolet wavelengths in a color composite of Ultraviolet wavelengths....
NASA’s Hubble Telescope snaps weather changes on Jupiter and Uranus

NASA’s Hubble Telescope snaps weather changes on Jupiter and Uranus

[ad_1] Since the launch of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope way back in 1990, it has been actively tracing the evolution and formation of galaxies, black holes, dark matter, and much more. Apart from these, the Hubble Telescope has been an active interplanetary weather observer for the gaseous outer planets. Now, Hubble has now recorded a stunning observation about the giant planet Jupiter.Since the inauguration of the Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) Program of the telescope in 2014, it has provided us with fascinating ever-changing views of the giant planets. Through the program, Hubble has observed that Jupiter's weather is predominantly stormy at low northern latitudes, displaying a distinct sequence of alternating storms that create a "vortex street" in astronomical terms. NASA ...
Webb telescope promises new age of the stars

Webb telescope promises new age of the stars

[ad_1] The James Webb Space Telescope lit up 2022 with dazzling images of the early universe after the Big Bang, heralding a new era of astronomy and untold revelations about the cosmos in years to come. The James Webb Space Telescope lit up 2022 with dazzling images of the early universe after the Big Bang, heralding a new era of astronomy and untold revelations about the cosmos in years to come. The most powerful observatory sent into space succeeded the Hubble telescope, which is still operating, and began transmitting its first cosmic images in July. "It essentially behaves better than expected in almost every area," said Massimo Stiavelli, head of the Webb mission office at the Space Telescope Science Institute, in Baltimore. Already scientists say the Webb telescope, now ...
Historic! NASA’s Hubble, James Webb Space Telescope to capture DART asteroid impact

Historic! NASA’s Hubble, James Webb Space Telescope to capture DART asteroid impact

[ad_1] NASA has announced that the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope will be observing the historic DART asteroid impact. The entire scientific community is excited and anxious about the historic NASA DART asteroid impact on September 26. This will be the first time humanity will test out its defense capabilities in case an asteroid is ever headed towards its direction. And while there will be Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) live streams, which will show the images from the impact site just 3 minutes after the impact, NASA scientists do not want to miss even a second of the action. And that's why they have called upon the veteran Hubble Space Telescope and young star James Webb Space Telescope ...
Is Big Bang theory false or real? Did the origin of universe come from the biggest Explosion ever? Check facts

Is Big Bang theory false or real? Did the origin of universe come from the biggest Explosion ever? Check facts

[ad_1] The most popular theory of the origin of the universe is the Big Bang theory. But how are scientists so sure about an event that took place 13.7 billion years ago? It turns out that the facts have always been around us. ‘Where did we come from?' It is one of the oldest questions in human history that every discipline of knowledge from philosophy to theology to science has tried answering. Today, the Big Bang theory is the most accepted explanation for the origin of the universe. However, some have called the Big Bang theory false. Sadly, theories are all we have since it is not possible to travel back in time and see how the universe actually originated. And since it cannot be proven, many have been led to question whe...