Tag: nasa Europa moon

Wow! NASA finds water on Jupiter’s Europa moon; life possible?

Wow! NASA finds water on Jupiter’s Europa moon; life possible?

[ad_1] The latest study suggests that the presence of water on Jupiter’s Moon Europa makes it habitable. Jupiter has four Galilean moons - Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. And in a surprising development, NASA's scientists have found water on the surface of one of the smallest of the four Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter. This study has been published in the Planetary Science Journal, which revealed that water exists on the icy crust of Europa moon of Jupiter. This also hints at the possibility of accessible liquid water bodies in the outer solar system. This also makes way for an important path of exploration of life beyond Earth.The study suggests that the water could be close to the surface of Europa at about 4 to 8 kilometers, which generally holds coldest and brittle ice. Some ...