Tag: NASA europa mission

Exploration of Jupiter’s moon Europa now possible

Exploration of Jupiter’s moon Europa now possible

[ad_1] Jupiter's moon Europa is one of the most promising locations for searching for extraterrestrial life. Europa is more than just one of Jupiter's many moons; it's also one of the solar system's most promising locations for searching for extraterrestrial life. There is a liquid water ocean under 10 kilometres of ice that could support life. It is, however, one of the most inhospitable places in the solar system, with surface temperatures of -180 degrees Celsius and extreme levels of radiation. Exploring Europa may be possible in the coming years as a result of Georgia Tech's research into silicon-germanium transistor technology.Professor John D. Cressler of the Regents' School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)...
Juno Mission to make a close approach to Jupiter’s moon

Juno Mission to make a close approach to Jupiter’s moon

[ad_1] The Juno probe is heading towards Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, which reportedly has more water than Earth. Here's what scientists say. ater is the life-force behind every living being on the planet. Without water, there is no life. But what happens one day when this limited resource runs out? Do we simply perish or do we find another planet which has this very important resource? All these questions seem just theoretical now but someday a situation might occur when there's no water on Earth. We're in luck as NASA's Juno probe is all set to conduct a close flyby of one of Jupiter's moons which has more water than Earth, according to scientists.The Juno Probe will reportedly make a very close approach with Europa, whi...