Tag: nasa dark nebula

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 14 June 2023: Stunning Shark Nebula

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 14 June 2023: Stunning Shark Nebula

[ad_1] Nebulae are star-forming regions that have some of the most peculiar shapes, with some of the most fascinating examples being the Headphone Nebula, the Heart and Soul Nebula, and the Flying Ghost Nebula. These star nurseries are located in Interstellar space, which is the space between stars, and consist of gases, mainly hydrogen, and helium. Although most nebulae belong to just three types - spherical, elliptical, and bipolar, some of them might be irregularly shaped, so much so that they resemble objects on Earth. According to NASA, a Nebula can contain as few as ten stars or as many as millions of stars.Today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day is a fascinating snapshot of LDN1235, also known as the Shark Nebula, which is located about 650 light-years away towards the constell...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 20 April 2023: The Dark Seahorse Nebula

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 20 April 2023: The Dark Seahorse Nebula

[ad_1] Some nebulae are irregularly shaped, so much so that they resemble objects on Earth. Some of the most peculiar shapes include the Headphone nebula, the Heart and Soul nebula and the Flying Ghost nebula. For the unacquainted, a nebula is a star forming region located in Interstellar space, which is the space between stars. It consists of gases, mainly hydrogen and helium. According to NASA, a Nebula can contain as few as ten stars or as many as millions of stars.Today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day is Barnard 150, also known as the Dark Seahorse nebula. It is one of the most peculiarly shaped nebulae, located about 1200 light-years away towards the constellation of Cepheus. It is a dark molecular cloud and is so dense that the dust within blocks visible wavelengths of light. ...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 25 January 2023: The Enchanting Lynds’ Dark Nebula

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 25 January 2023: The Enchanting Lynds’ Dark Nebula

[ad_1] NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is an enchanting snapshot of Lynds' Dark Nebula captured by astrophotographer Joshua Carter. Nebulas exist in the space between stars, known as the Interstellar space. In fact, there is a Nebula close to Earth which could possibly be the remnant of the dying star, according to NASA. It is called the Helix Nebula and is located approximately 700 light-years away from Earth. NASA captures the Nebulas with the help of its Spitzer Space Telescope, Hubble Space Telescope and the new James Webb Space Telescope.Lynds' Dark Nebula is a catalog of over 700 dark nebulae discovered by American astronomer Barbara Lynds in the 1960s. Dark nebulae are clouds of dust and gas that block the light from stars and other objects behind them, making them appear d...