Tag: nasa chief

NISAR mission to astronauts, check out the projects NASA and ISRO are working on

NISAR mission to astronauts, check out the projects NASA and ISRO are working on

[ad_1] India and the United States are set to embark on a groundbreaking collaboration in space exploration, marking a significant milestone in their space partnership. The announcement came after NASA Chief Bill Nelson met with Union Minister Jitendra Singh in New Delhi. The recent NASA and ISRO collaboration involves the launch of a remote sensing satellite named NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) in the first quarter of the upcoming year. Apart from this, there are various other projects on which ISRO and NASA will work together.NISAR SateliteThe NISAR satellite will launch aboard India's GSLV. This project aims to enhance Earth observation capabilities to focus on studying diverse aspects such as land ecosystems, solid earth deformation, polar cryosphere, sea ice, and coasta...
Indian-American space expert named NASA’s new chief technologist

Indian-American space expert named NASA’s new chief technologist

[ad_1] An Indian-American aerospace industry expert has been appointed as NASA's new chief technologist to serve as principal advisor to Administrator Bill Nelson on technology policy and programmes at the space agency's headquarters here. A.C. Charania joined the space agency in his new role on January 3. He replaces another Indian-American scientist Bhavya Lal, who served as acting chief technologist prior to the former's appointment. In his position, Charania will align NASA's agencywide technology investments with mission needs across six mission directorates and oversee technology collaboration with other federal agencies, the private sector, and external stakeholders, NASA said in a statement on Monday. The position works within NASA's Office for Technology, Policy, and St...