Tag: NASA asteroid alert

NASA asteroid alert! Humongous 280-foot asteroid approaching Earth tomorrow!

NASA asteroid alert! Humongous 280-foot asteroid approaching Earth tomorrow!

[ad_1] This asteroid could cause cataclysmic damage on Earth if it impacts the planet. Know what NASA said about this giant, 280-foot space rock. There are hundreds of asteroids roaming around the Earth in the solar system. Some of them are as small as a stone and some are bigger than the Moon. Most of these asteroids never come close to our planet. Those few which do are called Near-Earth objects (NEO) and are constantly monitored by scientists as they have the potential to strike the Earth someday and cause great destruction. NASA uses an infrared-based space telescope called Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) to detect such objects. With the help of its advanced tech, NASA has revealed that a colossal asteroid is on its way towards Earth.Key details about Asteroid 2022 SG6N...
NASA asteroid warning! Plane-sized asteroid headed for Earth today, 10-10-2022

NASA asteroid warning! Plane-sized asteroid headed for Earth today, 10-10-2022

[ad_1] NASA has issued a warning against an asteroid today. Does this space rock pose any danger to Earth? The months of August and September have witnessed nearly 35 asteroid flybys each and October is set to match, if not surpass, that number. Two asteroids passed by the planet at extremely close distances just yesterday and NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office has warned that two more asteroids are set for close approaches with Earth today. One of them is nearly as big as an aircraft and is hurtling towards the planet at dangerous speed. Here's what NASA said about the asteroid.Asteroid 2022 SE10NASA has warned that an asteroid named 2022 SE10 is hurtling towards Earth today, October 10. The asteroid is nearly 89 feet wide, which is almost the size of a commercial aircraft!...
NASA alert! Planet-killer 93-foot asteroid zooming towards Earth today; SHOCKING discovery

NASA alert! Planet-killer 93-foot asteroid zooming towards Earth today; SHOCKING discovery

[ad_1] Will this asteroid impact the planet and cause global catastrophe? Here’s what NASA says about this scary space rock. Earth has been in the firing line of various space phenomena these past couple of weeks including solar storms and asteroids. On the planet itself hurricanes have been relentless causing serious damage. While asteroids have not caused any damage, but they have been a constant threat as more than 40 asteroids have flown by Earth at very close quarters in the last month alone. Now, NASA has warned that another asteroid, a 92-foot monster, is on its way and it could be a potential planet-killer. Shockingly, it was discovered 2 days ago on October 2!Key details about Asteroid 2022 TFNASA's Planetary Defense...
BEWARE! NASA on alert as huge asteroid set to fly past Earth soon

BEWARE! NASA on alert as huge asteroid set to fly past Earth soon

[ad_1] NASA has been put on alert as it expects a huge asteroid to make a close approach with Earth on October 2. Here’s what the space agency said. What if an asteroid is headed for Earth? What would happen if any of the stray asteroids in the solar system hit Earth? Could we save ourselves from total annihilation? If such questions have crossed your mind, then your questions could get answered soon, thanks to NASA's DART Mission which took place on September 26. Although the collision was successful, it is yet to be confirmed if the asteroid was actually deflected. For this, NASA and other space organizations will study the data around the impact site with the help of European Space Agency's Hera spacecraft. In the meantime...
NASA alert! This dangerous asteroid sped towards Earth at stunning 63144 kmph

NASA alert! This dangerous asteroid sped towards Earth at stunning 63144 kmph

[ad_1] Asteroid flybys have been very frequent these past few months with over 35 asteroids passing by in the month of August, and September is likely to surpass this number. 5 asteroids passed by Earth very closely and astonishingly, 5 more asteroid flybys are expected today. 2 huge asteroids have already sped past the planet during the early hours today.Asteroid 2022 ST3 sped past Earth today, Sept 28A huge asteroid ranging anywhere between 78 feet and 174 feet just missed the Earth by a very close margin during early hours. The asteroid made its close approach with our planet at a distance of 6.8 million kilometers. The asteroid was travelling at a blistering speed of 63144 kilometers per hour! Although Asteroid 2022 SF was not expected to impact the Earth, it wa...
NASA asteroid alert! 134-foot rock sped past Earth today at whopping at 4km per sec

NASA asteroid alert! 134-foot rock sped past Earth today at whopping at 4km per sec

[ad_1] NASA says another asteroid just flew past Earth today. Check mind-boggling stats of this massive 134-foot asteroid. NASA, with the help of its various space and ground-based telescopes, found a 134-foot asteroid heading dangerously towards Earth. The asteroid passed very close to Earth today. This particular asteroid has sparked worry and concern among space agencies as it was discovered just a week ago on September 21, 2022. The stats of this asteroid are stupefying! Not only is it big, it was spotted hurtling towards the planet at blistering speed. The asteroid was classified as a potentially hazardous asteroid due to the close proximity of its encounter with Earth.Details about Asteroid 2022 SE6Asteroid 2022 SE6 is ...