Tag: NASA asteroid 2023 XO7

75-foot asteroid to come as close as 2.4 mn km to Earth; NASA reveals speed, other details

75-foot asteroid to come as close as 2.4 mn km to Earth; NASA reveals speed, other details

[ad_1] When NASA's telescopes track a new Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA), astronomers measure the asteroid's observed positions in the sky and report them to the Minor Planet Center. The Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) then uses that data to determine the asteroid's most likely orbit around the Sun. As per CNEOS, an asteroid, given the designation of Asteroid 2023 XO7, is expected to pass Earth by a close margin today, December 7. Know details about Asteroid 2023 XO7 such as its speed, size, distance of approach, and more.Asteroid 2023 XO7: Details Asteroid 2023 XO7 is expected to pass Earth at a distance of just 2.4 million kilometers and at a speed of 24182 kilometers per hour which is much faster than Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs)! It is important to note that w...