Tag: nasa asteroid 2023 ME4

Apollo asteroid hurtling towards Earth at blistering speed! Clocked at 38405 kmph by NASA

Apollo asteroid hurtling towards Earth at blistering speed! Clocked at 38405 kmph by NASA

[ad_1] To counter the potential threat that is posed by asteroids, NASA has already made efforts in planetary protection with its DART Test. Moreover, the International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN) and the Space Mission Planning Advisory Group (SMPAG) have joined hands in order to eliminate planetary threats. While IAWN is tasked with establishing protocols and developing communication plans to aid in decision-making, SMPAG is responsible for selecting the technology that is needed for the deflection of Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) like asteroids and finalize the measures for planetary defense. Working in tandem, both these organizations, along with other space agencies around the world, are tasked with protecting Earth and life on it from rogue asteroids.NASA, with the help of its adva...