Tag: nasa asteroid 2023 AQ

320-foot asteroid to pass Earth today! NASA reveals details of this gigantic space rock

320-foot asteroid to pass Earth today! NASA reveals details of this gigantic space rock

[ad_1] A 320-foot asteroid, which is about the size of a building is all set to make a close flyby today, as per NASA. Know the asteroid’s distance, speed and more. The seemingly vast emptiness of space is actually full of humongous celestial objects, out of which only a few have been discovered so far. Asteroids are some of these objects. They are rocky, airless remnants left over from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago, according to NASA. Most of them can be found orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter within the main asteroid belt, though they occasionally make close trips to Earth. NASA has issued an alert against one such asteroid which is set to make a close approach with Earth soon.Asteroid 2023 AQ detailsNASA has issued an alert about an ast...