Tag: NASA asteroid 2022 UV14

Asteroid, faster than a ballistic missile, headed for Earth! Clocked at 27508 kmph by NASA

Asteroid, faster than a ballistic missile, headed for Earth! Clocked at 27508 kmph by NASA

[ad_1] NASA has warned that a speeding asteroid could make its close approach towards Earth today. Asteroids frequently make trips to Earth and although most of them burn up in the Earth's atmosphere itself, it is possible one could pass through and impact the planet. Some have done so in recent years, but they have been small ones and did not leave behind a trail of destruction, except for a couple of them. But how big must an asteroid be, to end all life? Well, NASA scientists estimate that an asteroid would have to be about 96 km wide to completely and utterly wipe out life on Earth. Though smaller asteroids also have the potential to cause localized damage, commonly referred to as city-killers. Unlike bigger ones which seldom stray towards Earth, smaller asteroids frequently fly c...