Tag: nasa asteroid 2003 UC20

Asteroid bigger than the famous Brooklyn Bridge to pass Earth today! NASA reveals details

Asteroid bigger than the famous Brooklyn Bridge to pass Earth today! NASA reveals details

[ad_1] The Earth is nearly 4.5 billion years old, and it has withstood many asteroid impacts in its history. One of the most profound impacts occurred almost 65 million years ago when a mammoth 12-kilometer-wide asteroid crashed into the surface and obliterated nearly 70 percent of Earth's species including dinosaurs. Astonishingly, you can still find the asteroid's impact crater today located in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Due to the constant barrage of asteroids, NASA and other space agencies developed an arsenal of space and ground-based telescopes to discover and track these ancient space rocks. With the help of its advanced tech, NASA has now revealed that a mammoth, bridge-sized asteroid is set to pass Earth today. Know all about this close encounter. Asteroid 2003 UC20: Det...