Tag: nasa aliens

UFO over Earth! NASA reveals astonishing video footage

UFO over Earth! NASA reveals astonishing video footage

[ad_1] US space NASA agency had been denying the existance of UFOs for decades. Now, in a historic change of heart, it has started talking about them in public. In fact, astonishingly, it has released video footage of what is purportedly a UFO. NASA has unveiled footage of an unidentified flying object (UFO) that was observed over the Middle East. The agency's first public meeting on the study of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) featured the presentation of a video capturing an orb-shaped UFO in flight.During a press briefing, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, Director of the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, showcased an image of a metallic orb soaring above the Middle East. He described it as a typical example of the sightings frequently reported worldwide, highlighting their...
NASA talks UFOs with public ahead of final report on unidentified flying objects

NASA talks UFOs with public ahead of final report on unidentified flying objects

[ad_1] NASA held its first public meeting on UFOs Wednesday a year after launching a study into unexplained sightings.The space agency televised the hours long hearing featuring an independent panel of experts. The team includes 16 scientists and other experts selected by NASA including retired astronaut Scott Kelly, the first American to spend nearly a year in space. Several committee members have been subjected to “online abuse” for serving on the team, which detracts from the scientific process, said NASA's Dan Evans, adding that NASA security is dealing with it. “It's precisely this rigorous, evidence-based approach that allows one to separate the fact from fiction," Evans said.The study is a first step in trying to explain mysterious sightings in the sky that NASA calls UAPs, or un...
ET calling from Mars? Just a test, but you can help decode the signal from robotic orbiter

ET calling from Mars? Just a test, but you can help decode the signal from robotic orbiter

[ad_1] After extensive efforts to detect extraterrestrial intelligence, a message from outer space was picked up by three prominent Earth-based radio astronomy observatories today. The signal originated in the vicinity of Mars, and its contents remain hidden at present. However, contrary to initial excitement, the message is not of extraterrestrial origin. It was deliberately transmitted as part of a simulation to mimic an actual communication from aliens. This exercise serves as a dress rehearsal, enabling us to gauge our preparedness and response if we were to encounter a genuine extraterrestrial message. This was organised by the astronomers at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California.SETI is devoted to searching for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence and it aims to initia...
Alien fossils on Earth? Here is TRUTH

Alien fossils on Earth? Here is TRUTH

[ad_1] Humans have always been fascinated by the idea of extraterrestrial life. As technology advanced, we have taken many steps in trying to understand it. Advance in technology keeps providing new opportunities to do so. We have held many observations of Venus and Mars and soon NASA will be sending missions to explore the Moons of Saturn and Uranus to know if life exists, or ever existed, on these celestial bodies. We have also spent a substantial amount of time observing outside the solar system and even other galaxies just to find planets similar to the Earth which might be able to sustain life. Amazingly, a recent study claims that evidence of alien life might well exist on Earth itself - in the form of alien fossils!A study was published in the International Journal of Astronomy t...
NASA could look for ALIEN LIFE on Saturn’s moon without even putting a foot on it

NASA could look for ALIEN LIFE on Saturn’s moon without even putting a foot on it

[ad_1] Scientists have found an ingenious way for NASA to find alien life on Enceladus, one of the moons of Saturn which would be done without even landing on the celestial sphere. Are there aliens out there? The question of whether we are alone in this world has pushed the scientific community to devoting ever greater resources on the answer. We have searched in far away galaxies looking for planets which are similar to Earth in composition and are placed in similar orbits in their solar system. However, NASA now believes that the answer to this question might be much closer to home than previously thought. Enceladus, one of the 83 moons of Saturn is believed to host alien life within itself and very soon the American space agency will launch its mission to explore its possibility. B...