Tag: NASA alert

76-foot asteroid rushing towards Earth today, says NASA, reveals key details

76-foot asteroid rushing towards Earth today, says NASA, reveals key details

[ad_1] A 76-foot asteroid could make a close trip to Earth today and NASA has revealed the asteroid’s key details. Earth was witness to numerous asteroid flybys last year and it seems the trend is all set to continue in 2023. NASA has warned that as many as 5 asteroids are all set to make their close approaches towards Earth in a single day, which happens to be today, January 2. Although none of these 5 space rocks are expected to impact Earth's surface, they have still been classified as Potentially Hazardous Objects by NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office which acts as a watchdog against potential asteroid threats. One of them is an asteroid named Asteroid 2022 YU3 .Asteroid 2022 YU3 key detailsNASA has warned that an asteroid named Asteroid 2022 YU3 is headed for Earth and ...
Asteroid clocked at sizzling 51246 kmph on its way to Earth-faster than a ballistic missile

Asteroid clocked at sizzling 51246 kmph on its way to Earth-faster than a ballistic missile

[ad_1] This asteroid is rushing towards Earth at a terrifying speed and it is set to make a close approach soon! NASA conducted its first planetary defense test against potential world-ending asteroids recently. Named the Double Asteroid Detection Test or DART test, the mission's aim was to smash a spacecraft into the Dimorphos asteroid to deflect it away from its path. This historic test was successful and the asteroid was actually deflected from its path. This has given humans a weapon and a strategy to stop an asteroid from smashing into Earth. But that isn't enough as adequate warning and time is required to actually deploy it. And what is more, asteroids are making close approaches to Earth every day and new ones are being found on a regular basis. This is what creates the fearfu...
570-foot Asteroid 2010 XC15 rushing towards Earth today, says NASA! Check fiery speed

570-foot Asteroid 2010 XC15 rushing towards Earth today, says NASA! Check fiery speed

[ad_1] A huge asteroid is all set to buzz Earth today at an extremely close distance. NASA has revealed key details about the asteroid. Though NASA regularly issues alerts against small asteroids which frequently make close trips to Earth, it is seldom that large space rocks come tearing towards us. Despite being hundreds of feet in width, these asteroids are still not large enough to cause catastrophic destruction which ends all life. In fact, NASA estimates an asteroid would have to be at least 96 kilometers wide to be considered as a planet-killer. But it doesn't mean we should completely ignore all the alerts issued by the space agency. The small asteroids are still capable of causing massive loss of life if they impact a crowded city.Now, NASA has warned that another asteroid is ...
NASA warning! Ginormous 150-foot asteroid set for close encounter with Earth soon

NASA warning! Ginormous 150-foot asteroid set for close encounter with Earth soon

[ad_1] NASA says a 150-foot asteroid is on its way towards Earth tomorrow. The asteroid is enormous and is speeding at a fiery rate. Another asteroid is on its way towards Earth tomorrow and it is a big one. In fact, no less than 3 asteroids are set to pass Earth tomorrow. This asteroid has huge potential due to its sheer size and speed and could potentially cause localized destruction if it deviates slightly from its path. To track such asteroids, NASA uses its Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) to work as a survey telescope and scan the sky for Near-Earth Objects. The space agency then uses its ground-based radar to gather precise data about the asteroid's path and its characteristics.Asteroid 2022 XN key detailsNASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office has issued an a...
Terrifying 270-foot asteroid rushing towards Earth at staggering speed! NASA on alert

Terrifying 270-foot asteroid rushing towards Earth at staggering speed! NASA on alert

[ad_1] NASA has revealed that a skyscraper-sized asteroid could pass Earth at extremely close distance today. NASA keeps a watch on asteroids by studying data collected by various telescopes and observatories such as the Pan-STARRS, the Catalina Sky Survey and the NEOWISE telescope. With the help of these high-tech instruments, the space agency has discovered a monstrous asteroid heading dangerously towards Earth today. It is nearly the size of a skyscraper! It was classified as a potentially hazardous asteroid due to the close proximity of its encounter with Earth. Here's what you need to know about this asteroid.Asteroid 2015 RN35 key detailsThe asteroid, named Asteroid 2015 RN35, is already on its way towards the planet. The gigantic 270-foot space rock, which is nearly the size of...
Colossal 110-foot asteroid hurtling towards Earth TODAY, NASA reveals

Colossal 110-foot asteroid hurtling towards Earth TODAY, NASA reveals

[ad_1] An alert has been issued against a speeding asteroid by NASA which is set for close approach with Earth today. Know its speed, distance and more. Did you know that no less than 4 asteroids made close approaches to Earth yesterday! Now NASA has warned that another one is on its way, and it is a big one. This asteroid has huge destructive potential due to its sheer size and speed. To track such asteroids, NASA uses its repurposed NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer to work as a survey telescope and scan the sky for Near-Earth Objects. The space agency also uses its ground-based radar to gather precise data about the asteroid's path and its characteristics.Asteroid 2022 WS9 key detailsNASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office has issued an alert against an asteroid named...
Asteroid danger! Huge space rock rushing towards Earth, NASA reveals

Asteroid danger! Huge space rock rushing towards Earth, NASA reveals

[ad_1] Could this asteroid pose any risk to the Earth? Here’s what NASA says about this dangerous space rock. NASA says that nearly 100 tons of dust-sized space particles bombard Earth every day. A vehicle-sized asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere once every year, creating a giant fireball although it burns up before reaching the planet's surface. According to NASA, every 2000 years, an asteroid the size of a football field hits Earth and causes significant damage to the area. NASA studies these space rocks with the help of its space and ground-based telescopes such as the NEOWISE telescope. If you're thinking about planet-killing asteroids, they only come along only once every few million years. Although it might not be a planet killer, NASA has warned that a dangerous asteroid is hurtl...
Asteroid today: Monstrous 918-foot space rock nearing Earth today, NASA says

Asteroid today: Monstrous 918-foot space rock nearing Earth today, NASA says

[ad_1] This huge asteroid Is zooming towards Earth, says NASA. It will come worryingly close to Earth today. Asteroids come in all shapes and sizes, with the largest being 530-kilometer in diameter called Vesta. Others are smaller at around 100-foot and less. Although NASA scientists estimate that an asteroid would have to be about 96 km wide to completely and utterly wipe out life on Earth, smaller asteroids also have the potential to cause damage up to some extent, even destroy vast regions, which will have catastrophic impact on the atmosphere, causing a tragedy of unimaginable proportions. Unlike smaller asteroids which often stray towards Earth, larger space rocks rarely fly past the planet at close distances, but now, NASA has warned that a truly monstrous asteroid is on its way...
56-foot asteroid hurtling towards Earth TODAY; NASA issues warning

56-foot asteroid hurtling towards Earth TODAY; NASA issues warning

[ad_1] NASA has issued an alert about a speeding asteroid which is set for a close approach to Earth today. Know its speed, distance and more. Although one or two asteroids usually fly past Earth every day, no less than 4 asteroids made close approaches with Earth yesterday! Another asteroid is on its way towards Earth today and it is a big one. This asteroid has huge destructive potential due to its sheer size and speed and could potentially cause destruction if it deviates slightly from its path. To track such asteroids, NASA uses its repurposed NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer to work as a survey telescope and scan the sky for Near-Earth Objects. The space agency then uses its ground-based radar to gather precise data about the asteroid's path and its characteristics. Ast...
NASA spots Earth-threatening asteroid; Clocked at 29808 kmph

NASA spots Earth-threatening asteroid; Clocked at 29808 kmph

[ad_1] Another day, another asteroid flyby. But is this asteroid any different from others? Here’s what NASA says about this dangerous space rock. Did you know that almost 100 tons of dust-sized particles bombard Earth every single day. Once a year, a vehicle-sized asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere, creating a giant fireball although it burned up before reaching the surface. According to NASA, every 2000 years, an asteroid the size of a football field hits Earth and causes significant damage to the area. If you're wondering about planet-killing asteroids, they come along only once every few million years. NASA has warned that an asteroid is headed for Earth and although it might not be a planet-killer, it could still potentially cause damage if it impacts Earth.Asteroid 2022 UQ20 detai...