Tag: misinformation on social media

People dig deeper to fact-check social media posts when paired with someone who doesn’t share their perspective: Study

People dig deeper to fact-check social media posts when paired with someone who doesn’t share their perspective: Study

[ad_1] People fact-checked social media posts more carefully and were more willing to revise their initial beliefs when they were paired with someone from a different cultural background than their own, according to a study my collaborators Michael Baker and Françoise Détienne and I recently published in Frontiers in Psychology.If you're French, you're less likely than an English person to believe a tweet that claims Britain produces more varieties of cheese than France. And if you're English, you're more likely than a French person to believe a tweet that claims only 43% of French people shower daily. More intriguingly, when pairs of English and French people fact-checked such tweets together, how they did so and the extent to which they revised their initial beliefs depended on whethe...