Tag: mishri vs jaggery

Sweet Summer Remedy: Including Mishri In Your Diet May Help Beat The Heat

Sweet Summer Remedy: Including Mishri In Your Diet May Help Beat The Heat

[ad_1] What comes your mind when we say cooling foods? We generally associate the term with curd, watermelon, cucumber, mint and coconut water to name a few. These foods are not only refreshing, but also help prevent dehydration during the extreme summer days. Wait, there's more to the list! Did you know mishri too falls under the 'cooling foods' category? You read that right. A very common food ingredient in an Indian kitchen, mishri is packed with nutrients that help beat the heat outside.  Also Read: What is Palm Sugar? Is it Really Good for You?According to consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta, "Mishri, also known as rock sugar, is a substance produced from sugarcane. It is unrefined and considered the purest form of sugar. It is packed with essential vitamins, minerals and amino aci...