Tag: Microsoft Visual Augmentation System

Microsoft’s Troubled Combat Goggles Get Redesign That Wins Over the US Army

Microsoft’s Troubled Combat Goggles Get Redesign That Wins Over the US Army

[ad_1] Microsoft Corp. has “fundamentally altered” its combat goggles, changing them from a bulky helmet to a streamlined flip-up visor to improve the prospect that soldiers will embrace the $22 billion project, according to the Army's chief weapons buyer. “The technology might have worked perfectly, but I'd still had worries before about the ‘form-factor' and way soldiers wore them,” Assistant Army Secretary Doug Bush said in an interview.The new version of the Integrated Visual Augmentation System headset is designed to project battlefield information, including the location of friendly troops, on a new visor with a wider, improved field of view. A small computer that's part of the unit was moved from the side, where it was connected by a bulky cable, to the back of the headset. Deplo...