Tag: microorganisms

Life on our Moon! NASA scientist points towards astonishing mystery

Life on our Moon! NASA scientist points towards astonishing mystery

[ad_1] In contrast to Earth's vibrant ecosystems, the moon has long been perceived as a barren and lifeless celestial body, devoid of water and signs of vitality. However, one NASA scientist believes there is more to the moon than meets the eye.According to Prabal Saxena, a planetary scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre, microbial life could persist in the severe circumstances found on the moon. "Relatively protected areas on airless bodies may harbour potentially habitable niches for such life," Saxena explained, as reported by Space.com. The source of this life is astonishing. If such moon bacteria exist, they most likely originated on Earth and travelled to the moon on a lunar lander!While Saxena primarily studies the potential existence of extraterrestrial life outside ou...
Did You Know: Tomatoes May Help Promote Gut Health – Expert Reveals

Did You Know: Tomatoes May Help Promote Gut Health – Expert Reveals

[ad_1] Call it a fruit or vegetable, tomato holds a constant position in our vegetable basket. From having it raw to making curries and chutneys, we use tomatoes on a daily basis. Besides being super versatile, the fruit is loaded with health-benefiting properties too. According to health experts, vitamin C, antioxidants etc (in tomatoes) help promote good skin, ease inflammation and boost immune health. But did you know that tomatoes might help promote gut health too? A recent study, published in the journal Microbiology Spectrum, finds that "tomatoes impart benefits through their modulation of the gut microbiome".The research was initially conducted on young pigs. It was found that the gut microorganisms were changed in the pigs, toward a more favourable profile after two weeks of cons...