Tag: metabolism process

Eat, Digest, Repeat! 6 Morning Rituals That You May Follow To Boost Metabolism

Eat, Digest, Repeat! 6 Morning Rituals That You May Follow To Boost Metabolism

[ad_1] 'Metabolism' is the buzzword in the world of fitness and your health depends much on your metabolic system. Be it to shed those extra kilos or to keep up a healthy gut, you need proper metabolism to keep going. Let's start with understanding what metabolism? According to the Cambridge dictionary, it is a chemical process in your body that causes food to be used for energy, growth and overall health. This means, what we eat every day plays a major role in driving our metabolic system. And as per experts from across the globe, it is your first meal of the day that helps shape the process. Today, we will bring your attention to some healthy morning rituals that may help you stay active throughout the day.Also Read: Why Is Your Metabolism Slow? You Could Be Making These Common Mistake...