Tag: Medibank

Repeat hacks highlight Australia’s cyber flaws

Repeat hacks highlight Australia’s cyber flaws

[ad_1] Inadequate privacy safeguards and the stockpiling of sensitive customer information have made Australia a lucrative target in the eyes of foreign hackers. Inadequate privacy safeguards and the stockpiling of sensitive customer information have made Australia a lucrative target in the eyes of foreign hackers, cybersecurity experts told AFP following a series of major data breaches.Medibank, Australia's largest private health insurer, recently confirmed that hackers had accessed the data of 9.7 million current and former customers, including medical records related to drug abuse and pregnancy terminations. Telecom company Optus fell prey to a data breach of similar scale in late September, during which the personal details of up to 9.8 million people were accessed. Both incidents...
Hacked Australian Health Insurer Data Posted to Dark Web

Hacked Australian Health Insurer Data Posted to Dark Web

[ad_1] Data stolen from an Australian health insurer, including the names, addresses and birthdates of hundreds of customers, has been posted to a forum on the so-called dark web. Data stolen from an Australian health insurer, including the names, addresses and birthdates of hundreds of customers, has been posted to a forum on the so-called dark web. The files appear to be a sample of the data that was accessed, Medibank Private Ltd. said in a statement Wednesday. The company expects more data to be released, after earlier this week saying the hackers exposed information of around 9.7 million people. The release of the personal information comes after a vast data leak at Singapore Telecommunications Ltd.'s Optus unit in September, which exposed the details of as many as 10 millio...
Hackers demand $10 mn for stolen Australian health records

Hackers demand $10 mn for stolen Australian health records

[ad_1] Hackers demanded US$10 million to stop leaking highly sensitive records stolen from a major Australian healthcare company. Hackers on Thursday demanded US$10 million to stop leaking highly sensitive records stolen from a major Australian healthcare company, as they uploaded yet more intimate details about customers. Medibank, Australia's largest private health insurer, confirmed this week that hackers had accessed the information of 9.7 million current and former clients, including Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. The hackers on Thursday uploaded a second batch of files to a dark web forum, with more sensitive details about hundreds of Medibank customers. The first leaks appear to have been selected to cause maximum harm: targeting those who received treatment related to...