Tag: meal timings

What’s The Best Time To Eat Breakfast And Lose Weight? Let’s Hear It From Experts

What’s The Best Time To Eat Breakfast And Lose Weight? Let’s Hear It From Experts

[ad_1] Are you looking to shed some pounds and lead a healthier lifestyle? Well, you might want to start with your breakfast routine! Research has shown that the timing of your meals plays a crucial role, especially if weight loss is on your agenda. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, skipping breakfast isn't just about missing a meal; it's associated with a cascade of unhealthy behaviours. It's linked to poorer diets, lower physical activity levels, and even higher metabolic risk, including issues like a higher BMI, larger waist circumference, and increased cholesterol and LDL levels. What's more, it's been linked to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. So, what's the key takeaway here? Breakfast matters, and it matters when you have it.Also Read: Expert Die...
Lunch Break: More Than Just a Meal – Here’s Why You Should Never Skip It

Lunch Break: More Than Just a Meal – Here’s Why You Should Never Skip It

[ad_1] We have been told countless times that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When breakfast gets all the limelight, sometimes, lunch is overshadowed by it. We make all the effort of having a wholesome breakfast which often leads to skipping lunch. And we end up making the same mistake we were when skipping breakfast. Many of us are guilty of neglecting this midday meal, either due to a busy schedule, work commitments, or the misguided notion that skipping lunch will help us shed a few pounds. However, research and experts in the field suggest that skipping lunch is a mistake we should avoid. Also Read: Beat Your Hunger In 15 Minutes With These Easy Lunch IdeasIs It Necessary To Have Lunch? Our bodies have a natural rhythm, and our digestive system plays a significant ro...