Tag: mars nasa

Awesome! IMPOSSIBLE Sun Halo spotted on Mars; tech marvel Perseverance Rover creates history

Awesome! IMPOSSIBLE Sun Halo spotted on Mars; tech marvel Perseverance Rover creates history

[ad_1] NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover has spotted an awesome Sun Halo in skies over Mars. The phenomenon was thought to be impossible by the scientists. Check details here. Have you heard of Sun Halo? Several instances of Sun Halo have been seen and captured by people living in different parts of the Earth. Now, amazingly, NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover has done the impossible and captured a Sun Halo on Mars. It is being said to be a never-seen-before phenomenon spotted on planet Mars. This is a truly historic achievement as even scientists had lost hope of seeing any such incident ever happening on Mars, but only until December 15, 2021. It can be known that the Sun Halo as seen on Earth is a natural phenomenon in which ice ...
Tech in space: Mars rover sees hints of past life in latest rock samples

Tech in space: Mars rover sees hints of past life in latest rock samples

[ad_1] NASA's Perseverance Mars rover has detected its highest concentrations yet of organic molecules, in a potential signal of ancient microbes that scientists are eager to confirm when the rock samples are eventually brought to Earth. While organic matter has been found on the Red Planet before, the new discovery is seen as especially promising because it came from an area where sediment and salts were deposited into a lake -- conditions where life could have arisen. "It is very fair to say that these are going to be, these already are, the most valuable rock samples that have ever been collected," David Shuster, a Perseverance return sample scientist, told reporters during a briefing. Organic molecules -- compounds made primarily of carbon that usually in...