Tag: magnetosphere

Ahead of solar eclipse, fast-moving solar winds to spark a powerful solar storm today on Earth

Ahead of solar eclipse, fast-moving solar winds to spark a powerful solar storm today on Earth

[ad_1] Yesterday, it was reported that a co-rotating interaction region (CIR) was forming near the magnetosphere of the Earth due to the intermixing of slow and fast-moving solar winds. The situation is set to worsen today, October 13, as fresh solar winds escaping from a worm-like coronal hole will soon strike the Earth and trigger a powerful solar storm event. This event is expected to take place just before the annular solar eclipse occurs in the early hours of October 14.The information comes from two different sources. First is SpaceWeather.com which reported, “A stream of solar wind is expected to reach Earth later today… The gaseous material is flowing ~500 km/s from a narrow hole in the sun's atmosphere. Its arrival could spark geomagnetic unrest and auroras around the Arctic Ci...
Supercharged solar storm strikes Earth on Valentine’s day; Flashes strongest polar lights

Supercharged solar storm strikes Earth on Valentine’s day; Flashes strongest polar lights

[ad_1] The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) had predicted that there could be a solar storm event on Valentine's day. However, no one was prepared for its intensity. On February 14, a strong solar storm struck the Earth. While it did not impact any nearby satellites, the coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud was so dense that it created a bright auroral display in the arctic region. Many aurora chasers, including veterans, reported that it was one of the brightest polar lights they have encountered in a long time. Check details of this unexpected solar storm.The event was reported by Space.com, which highlighted, “A well-timed plasma eruption from the sun delivered a Valentine Day's night of auroral splendor for skywatchers in Alaska, with the display's intensity taki...
Dangerous solar storm strikes Earth; Blackouts feared in southern hemisphere

Dangerous solar storm strikes Earth; Blackouts feared in southern hemisphere

[ad_1] Brief interplanetary magnetic field shift near Earth signaled a dangerous solar storm strike to the Earth which affected the arctic circles. Shortwave radio blackouts are expected in the region. After the coronal mass ejections (CME) clouds hit the magnetosphere of the Earth and caused an interplanetary magnetic field shift yesterday on January 18, today, a solar storm struck the Earth propelled by the remaining CME particles. The solar storm would have remained undetected if some satellites did not pick up on the IMF disruption. The solar storm struck the southern hemisphere of our planet and caused a brief aurora display in the arctic region. It is also feared that nearby regions might have been hit with shortwave radio blackouts.The incident was reported by SpaceWeather.com ...
Dangerous solar storm strikes Earth on Winter Solstice day! More set to hit today

Dangerous solar storm strikes Earth on Winter Solstice day! More set to hit today

[ad_1] A double hole on the Sun’s surface has sent a dangerous solar storm to Earth and that too on Winter Solstice day. More solar storm activity expected today, December 22. Just a couple of days ago, a shockwave caused by fast-moving solar winds caused a crack in the magnetosphere of the Earth, which resulted in unexpected solar storm activity. Now, there is a relentless attack, as another solar storm has struck our planet in the early hours today, December 22. A flurry of auroras could be seen in the arctic region. But these solar storms are much more dangerous than some light show in the sky. They cause GPS disruptions and shortwave radio blackouts. And now, forecasters have revealed that more solar storm activity can be seen later today. Incidentally, the solar storms have struc...
Fast-moving solar winds BREAK magnetic field over Earth; dangerous solar storms to follow

Fast-moving solar winds BREAK magnetic field over Earth; dangerous solar storms to follow

[ad_1] Fast moving solar winds have created a CIR (Co-rotating interaction region) on the magnetosphere of Earth. Now, multiple solar storms are expected between December 8 and 9. As the multiple active sunspots on the Earth-facing disk of the Sun poses a new threat of solar disturbances, we are already seeing the first wave of solar storms. A solar storm struck the Earth in the early hours of December 7 and it has caused a serious issue for us. The solar storm was caused by fast-moving solar winds meeting slower solar winds. When these varying magnetic fields interact among themselves in the upper atmosphere of Earth, it causes a rip in our magnetosphere which is known as a Co-rotating Interaction Region (CIR). This hole in the magnetosphere lets other solar particles easily through ...
Scary smiley face on Sun today to spark dangerous solar storm on Earth; check date

Scary smiley face on Sun today to spark dangerous solar storm on Earth; check date

[ad_1] A terrifying smiley face on the Sun has appeared today. It is unleashing solar winds towards the Earth that can cause a dangerous solar storm on Earth on October 28. The Sun is smiling upon us today but not the kind that brings you good luck. A smiley face has appeared on the Sun and it can have terrifying consequences for us. Three dark spots have emerged on the Sun due to the build up of a high magnetic field. These three spots have created the shape of a smiley face. But these spots are releasing a complex stream of solar wind toward Earth. These solar winds can cause an intense solar storm on Earth on October 28. Know how this can impact the Earth. Read on.This development was reported by SpaceWeather.com which noted on its website, “There is a smiley face on the sun today....
Alert! Fierce solar storm on Diwali coming to Earth; Know the danger

Alert! Fierce solar storm on Diwali coming to Earth; Know the danger

[ad_1] A powerful solar storm can strike the Earth on Diwali, October 24 as fast moving solar winds are expected to strike. As India prepares for the festival of Diwali and various other regional festivals, the threat of an incoming solar storm is casting a long shadow over Earth. Solar storms have caused a great deal of grief for people this year as the Sun is nearing the peak of its solar cycle. Multiple radio blackouts have been witnessed all over the world, and in February, around 40 starlink satellites were destroyed by such solar disturbances. But now, according to reports, solar storms are likely on the festival of Diwali and it can be a big concern. Read on to know how this might affect us.The development was reported by SpaceWeather.com which noted, “Minor G1-class geomagneti...
Earth-like planets may not host aliens due to solar storms! Check mystery

Earth-like planets may not host aliens due to solar storms! Check mystery

[ad_1] Exoplanets, similar to Earth, which were earlier thought to be capable of nurturing alien life might actually be uninhabitable due to these dangerous solar storms. Scientists have been concerned about the mood-swings of the Sun this year. The Sun is entering the phase where it reaches the peak of solar activity in 2023 and as a result it has been blasting solar storms on a regular basis towards the Earth. While we have not seen a fearsome Carrington level event so far that damages power grids and more, the fear of a similar solar storm remains within the scientists as it can do an unthinkable amount of damage. But it turns out that planets outside the solar system which are also called exoplanets are suffering from som...
Alert! Furious solar winds to cause solar storm on Earth tomorrow; This is what can happen

Alert! Furious solar winds to cause solar storm on Earth tomorrow; This is what can happen

[ad_1] According to NOAA, a powerful solar storm can strike the Earth tomorrow, September 23, as fast moving solar winds are expected to strike. The Earth has become a standing target for the incessant solar storm attacks this year. And after a small break, the solar storm attack is back again. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), fast-moving solar winds are going to strike the Earth tomorrow, September 23, causing a solar storm. This event takes place mere days after a solar flare eruption on the Sun caused radio blackouts in Africa and the Middle East. But how powerful is this solar storm and should we be concerned? Read on to find out.This development was reported by SpaceWeather.com whi...
BEWARE! In 3 days, even ordinary solar storms on Earth will have a Catastrophic effect

BEWARE! In 3 days, even ordinary solar storms on Earth will have a Catastrophic effect

[ad_1] Solar storms in the next few days could have a violent impact on Earth. Know all about the Russell-McPherron effect. The Earth has increasingly been dealing with the onslaught of solar storms since 2022 began. Some of the solar storms we have experienced were quite devastating. Elon Musk led SpaceX faced the brunt of it when more than 40 Starlink satellites were destroyed in a solar storm event earlier this year. We have also seen multiple radio blackouts and GPS disruptions. But now, things are going to turn even more frightening. In the next three days, the Earth's main line-of-defense against solar storms — the magnetosphere — is going to grow weaker, letting even the weak solar storms cause chaos on Earth. But why ...