Tag: machine learning

5 Things about AI you may have missed today: World’s first AI software tester unveiled, CGI and Microsoft on AI, more

5 Things about AI you may have missed today: World’s first AI software tester unveiled, CGI and Microsoft on AI, more

[ad_1] AI roundup: AI automation has become a new trend in the tech industry. With the growing use of AI, a company named TestGrid unveiled the world's first AI Software Tester which will simplify the automation testing process. In other news, CGI and Microsoft had a brief discussion about the digital revolution and generative AI's impact on our lives. Know more about what happened in the world of AI in our roundup.The world's first AI software tester announcedTestGrid a leading automation testing company unveiled CoTester, an AI-powered software tester, providing ease to the automation tester. The tool has the ability to understand complex software testing and it can work on different testing frameworks such as Selenium, Cypress, and others. Harry Rao, the CEO & Founder of TestGrid...
9 out of 10 companies embracing AI for security purposes but not for coding, reveals study

9 out of 10 companies embracing AI for security purposes but not for coding, reveals study

[ad_1] In the realm of technological innovation, while artificial intelligence (AI) finds its footing in bolstering security measures, its integration into coding practices appears to be met with reservation, according to recent findings.AI adoption for security purposes, not codingA study conducted by JFrog illuminates a notable contrast: while an overwhelming nine out of ten companies embrace AI and machine learning (ML) to fortify security scanning and remediation endeavours, merely a third, approximately 32 percent, employ AI/ML technologies in their coding processes, Techradar reported. This hesitance underscores a prudent approach towards AI implementation in development, stemming from apprehensions surrounding potential vulnerabilities that AI-generated code might introduce into ...
Lexicon on AI: US NIST crafts standards for making artificial intelligence safe and trustworthy

Lexicon on AI: US NIST crafts standards for making artificial intelligence safe and trustworthy

[ad_1]  No technology since nuclear fission will shape our collective future quite like artificial intelligence, so it's paramount AI systems are safe, secure, trustworthy and socially responsible. But unlike the atom bomb, this paradigm shift has been almost completely driven by the private tech sector, which has been resistant to regulation, to say the least. Billions are at stake, making the Biden administration's task of setting standards for AI safety a major challenge.To define the parameters, it has tapped a small federal agency, The National Institute of Standards and Technology. NIST's tools and measures define products and services from atomic clocks to election security tech and nanomaterials. At the helm of the agency's AI efforts is Elham Tabassi, NIST's chief AI advisor. S...
AI weather forecasting: IMD says predicting severe weather events challenging, turns to new tech

AI weather forecasting: IMD says predicting severe weather events challenging, turns to new tech

[ad_1] AI weather forecasting: As it celebrates 150th year of its establishment, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has now set its eyes on fine-tuning its weather forecast models using artificial intelligence (AI) and faster supercomputers even though it struggles to predict small-level severe weather events. In an interview with PTI, IMD Director General Mrutyunjay Mohapatra said the weather office was setting up test beds in Odisha and Madhya Pradesh to better understand the physical processes leading to the formation of thunderstorms and heavy monsoon rains which could eventually help improve weather forecasts.The IMD will kick start its 150th-anniversary celebrations on Monday with the launch of ‘Panchayat Mausam Seva' that aims to take weather forecasts to every farmer in e...
AI, Data-driven hiring practices, nearly double-digit pay hikes to mark HR ways in 2024

AI, Data-driven hiring practices, nearly double-digit pay hikes to mark HR ways in 2024

[ad_1]  Data-driven hiring ways, inclusive and diversity-focused practices and nearly double-digit salary hikes are likely to leave their stamp on the human resource landscape in 2024 as companies continue to scout for the right talent amid economic uncertainties. Over the last few years, the expectations of candidates and employers have changed dramatically. Employees want workplace flexibility, a greater emphasis on diversity, and impartial hiring processes, while companies are eager to provide fair, engaging and streamlined candidate experiences to attract and retain top talent, according to experts.Designing comprehensive well-being programmes, including flexible work arrangements, inclusive culture and work-life balance policies will be among the priorities for companies. Experts s...
AI-model found to recognise patients’ emotions in therapy session, including fleeting ones

AI-model found to recognise patients’ emotions in therapy session, including fleeting ones

[ad_1] An AI-driven system was found to be able to recognise facial expressions conveying emotions such as happiness and sadness, even fleeting ones, that researchers say could help support psychotherapy.The AI system that the researchers used for the study was a freely available artificial neural network trained to detect six basic emotions - happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, sadness and fear - using more than 30,000 facial photos. Artificial neural networks are a type of machine learning, a sub-field of AI, and are built on the principles of connections in biological neural networks found in animal brains. The researchers then made the AI model process and analysed more than 950 hours of video recordings of therapy sessions with 23 patients having borderline personality at the Cent...
How white hat heroes are safeguarding your digital frontiers

How white hat heroes are safeguarding your digital frontiers

[ad_1] As a citizen of today, you enjoy several digital systems, be it smartphones, email, voice AI like Alexa, or IoT. If you are part of any digital system, you are vulnerable to a cyberattack. In an era dominated by interconnected systems, the constant threat of cyberattacks, and businesses and individuals increasingly relying on digital platforms, the need for robust defenses against cyber threats has never been more critical.In 2020, Air India, the country's flagship airline, fell victim to a cyberattack that compromised the personal data of millions of its customers. The breach affected users registered between August 2011 and February 2021, exposing sensitive information such as names, dates of birth, contact details, passport information, and credit card data. This breach had se...
New artificial intelligence model may help prevent sight loss in humans, study shows

New artificial intelligence model may help prevent sight loss in humans, study shows

[ad_1]  Researchers have developed a new artificial intelligence (AI) model that can predict the risk of long-term visual impairment in patients with high myopia, one of the top three causes of irreversible blindness in many regions of the world.The team at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) said its machine-learning model works well for predicting—and visualising—the risk of visual impairment over the long term. Machine learning is a type of AI focused on building computer systems that learn from data, enabling software to improve its performance over time. People with extreme shortsightedness (called high myopia) can clearly see objects that are near to them but cannot focus on objects at a distance.Contacts, glasses, or surgery can be used to correct their vision, but hav...
Apple quietly releases new machine learning framework; Will it also join the AI war?

Apple quietly releases new machine learning framework; Will it also join the AI war?

[ad_1] Yesterday, Google declared its big artificial intelligence (AI) ambitions after its DeepMind division unveiled the company's largest AI model Gemini, which is a multimodal foundation model, to the world. However, it wasn't the only tech company to make a big move towards AI. In order not to be left behind, Apple looks to have joined the AI war that is currently raging in Big Tech by releasing a new machine learning (ML) framework called MLX, but without much fanfare. Many reports are now suggesting that Apple can use this framework to build its own AI foundation models, something that was rumored earlier this year.According to a report by The Verge, MLX is “a machine learning framework where developers can build models that run efficiently on Apple Silicon and deep learning model...
AI might help meet COP28 climate targets – but at what cost?

AI might help meet COP28 climate targets – but at what cost?

[ad_1]  When ants travel between their nest and a food discovery, the social insects deposit chemical pheromones along the trail to communicate with other ants making the trip.Before long, the shortest route has the strongest chemical signature, helping other ants learn to use it, said Tshilidzi Marwala, an artificial intelligence engineer and rector of United Nations University. The "ant-based algorithm" and other learning systems, studied by data scientists, are now being used to reduce inefficiencies in manufacturing processes - one way to cut planet-warming emissions. "Today we have ant-based artificial intelligence algorithms, because (they) are quite efficient," said Marwala, who is also a U.N. Under-Secretary General, in an interview at the COP28 U.N. climate summit in Dubai.From...