Tag: lovneet batra health tips

Boost Your Thyroid Health With These 7 Nutritionist-Approved Herbs

Boost Your Thyroid Health With These 7 Nutritionist-Approved Herbs

[ad_1] The thyroid gland, often overlooked yet crucial, plays a vital role in our body. Shaped like a butterfly, this gland secretes hormones that regulate essential functions such as food metabolism, weight management, sleep patterns, mood stability, and mental well-being, including anxiety and depression. Giving attention to specific foods and nutrients like iodine, protein, and healthy fats promotes optimal thyroid function. Lovneet Batra suggests that incorporating certain herbs into one's diet can support thyroid health. Adding a touch of fresh or dried herbs to a dish not only enhances its flavors but also provides added health benefits. Here are some herbs that have the potential to improve thyroid function:Also Read: Eating These Nutritionist-Approved Foods Before Bed May Help Ma...
Have A Seasonal Flu? 6 Nutritionist-Approved Foods That May Help

Have A Seasonal Flu? 6 Nutritionist-Approved Foods That May Help

[ad_1] Every season comes with its own set of challenges. Take the ongoing spring season for instance. Besides the benefit of having longer days and flowers blooming all around, this season also brings along several diseases that often become concerning for all. Spring season is a time of transition between the winter and summer seasons. Since our body takes time to adjust to changes in weather, we are more likely to fall sick and face health issues such as the common cold, cough and flu. That is why experts often recommend tweaking our daily diet in order to keep seasonal infections at bay. It is essential that we eat the correct foods in order to stay healthy during the season change. Considering this, nutritionist Lovneet Batra has shared some foods that you can include in your diet t...
Nutritionist-Approved Reasons To Include Mustard Leaves In Your Diet; 5 Sarson Recipes

Nutritionist-Approved Reasons To Include Mustard Leaves In Your Diet; 5 Sarson Recipes

[ad_1] Mustard leaves are derived from the Brassica juncea plant, which is the same species as the plants that produce the piquant seeds that are ground into mustard, a popular condiment. The greens have the same zesty, peppery, and robust flavour that people associate with mustard. For thousands of years, mustard greens have been an essential ingredient in India because they add so much flavour to curries, soups, and lentil dishes. Mustard, like most vegetables in the oriental greens' family, is versatile and has numerous health benefits. These leaves can be used to prepare a wide assortment of recipes. Sarson ka saag, sarson ka paratha, and other winter dishes are popular. Nutritionist Lovneet Batra shared a few of the benefits on her Instagram page. Take a look below.Here're 3 Benefit...
Healthy Diet Tips: 5 Polyphenol-Rich Foods To Promote Healthy Gut – Expert Recommends

Healthy Diet Tips: 5 Polyphenol-Rich Foods To Promote Healthy Gut – Expert Recommends

[ad_1] Healthy lifestyle is the key to our overall good health. And food has a major role to play in maintaining healthy lifestyle. Right kind of food, consumed at the right hour of the day, helps us go a longer way. Now this brings up the question - what do we mean by right kind of food? As per experts, healthy food is referred to the food ingredients that load you up with essential nutrients to benefit overall health. Hence, when we put together a meal, it is important to keep in mind that the platter has a balance of protein, fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals et al. Another such important nutrient is polyphenol. According to The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, it is a healthy compound easily found in plant-based foods and offers various health benefits. It helps boost di...
6 Reasons To Stop Eating Too Much Sugar – Expert Shares

6 Reasons To Stop Eating Too Much Sugar – Expert Shares

[ad_1] We all have a sweet spot for sugar. It adds sweetness to our desserts and mithais, making us feel good about it all. While we can't deny that sugar and sugary foods make us happy, one must also remember that intake of excess sugar works negatively on our health. Sugar is loaded with calories and fats, and often leads to weight gain, diabetes and several other lifestyle-related issues. According to celebrity nutritionist Lovneet Batra, "Sugar has a bittersweet reputation when it comes to health. Many people consume more sugar than they realize. The naturally occurring sugars in fruits and vegetables are absolutely fine. The problem starts when you consume more than the recommended amount of sugar that is added to foods and beverages."This is why Nutritionist Batra recommends we all...