Tag: Liz Weston

Amazon to Epic Games, Companies’ deceptive ‘dark patterns’ online cost you money: Liz Weston

Amazon to Epic Games, Companies’ deceptive ‘dark patterns’ online cost you money: Liz Weston

[ad_1] See if any of this sounds familiar:● You can't find an easy way to cancel an unwanted subscription, so you let it continue for another month — telling yourself you'll try again later. ● You feel rushed into an online purchase you regret, but there's no option to undo the transaction or demand a refund. ● You want to read an article or shop at a store online, but you're bombarded with pop-up requests for your data. There's no easy option for saying no, so you click “allow” just to get the annoying pop-up out of the way.These are just a few examples of “dark patterns” — intentionally deceptive designs that companies use to steer people into making choices that aren't in the consumers' best interest.Dark patterns may sound like a feature of sketchy websites, but these manipulative p...