Tag: liquid calories

7 Effortless Strategies To Cut Liquid Calories And Boost Weight Loss

7 Effortless Strategies To Cut Liquid Calories And Boost Weight Loss

[ad_1] When it comes to shedding those extra pounds, the journey often begins with the simplest changes in our daily habits. Calories is the buzzword in the world of weight loss and everyone seems to be scared of it. Did you know that what we see as calories is not the whole picture? We consider only the calories that we get from food. What about the ones that we get from beverages? Intrigued? Well, these are called liquid calories and excess of these are bad for weight loss. While we focus on avoiding fried and junk food, what frequently goes overlooked is our liquid intake. Those seemingly harmless beverages can sneak in extra calories and hinder our weight loss efforts. Fear not, for we've gathered some easy tips to help you keep those liquid calories at bay and make strides toward yo...