Tag: Linkedin AI coach

Worried about AI-linked job losses? Apply for jobs via LinkedIn ‘AI Coach’ soon

Worried about AI-linked job losses? Apply for jobs via LinkedIn ‘AI Coach’ soon

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence is being blamed for numerous job losses, especially in recent times. Many have painted the scene entirely black as to the emergency jobs situation that is likely to be created soon, with millions of people expected to be sacked due to AI taking over their jobs. While that may be so, some companies are deploying AI to, well, allow workers to apply for jobs. LinkedIn, the renowned professional networking platform owned by Microsoft, which has long been recognized for its stellar role in job search and upskilling segments, is now taking a significant step forward in this domain.LinkedIn is currently developing an AI-based tool known as "AI Coach." This innovative tool aims to assist job seekers throughout the job application process, offering efficient guidan...