Tag: life

Saving Earth from asteroids to microbes: Planetary Protection Vs Planetary Defense

Saving Earth from asteroids to microbes: Planetary Protection Vs Planetary Defense

[ad_1] We all have been hearing about the terms planetary protection and planetary defense being used by the official in a different yet similar manner. But do you actually know what they mean and how researchers and astronomers used these terms?Both of the terms include “planetary” so their meanings and behaviours must be comparable. However, this is the only resemblance between them; their distinct responsibilities are what set them apart. They have very different outlooks in terms of the agency's role in protecting Earth, and other planets as well. “These similar sounding efforts are often confused in the media and in casual conversation,” said Nick Benardini, NASA Planetary Protection Officer. “Both seek to protect Earth from potentially hazardous space threats, but otherwise they c...
Roblox Grapples With Employee Demands for More Diversity

Roblox Grapples With Employee Demands for More Diversity

[ad_1] In the spring of 2021, the staff at video-game juggernaut Roblox Corp. gathered for an all-hands meeting over the video conferencing app Zoom. An employee submitted by text a question to executives about why there were so few women at the top ranks of the company. According to multiple people in attendance, the company's co-founder and chief executive officer David Baszucki accepted the query at the virtual get-together and responded by saying that Roblox has a very high bar in hiring.Several of the women there said they found the comment dismissive, but not surprising. In public and private forums, the 60-year-old Baszucki and his deputies often noted that the goal of the San Mateo, California-based company was to “hire the best people.” Three of the 15 current or former female ...
Supreme Court backs free speech rules in online stalking case

Supreme Court backs free speech rules in online stalking case

[ad_1] The US Supreme Court sided with free speech advocates Tuesday in ruling that a man's online harassment of a country singer could only be deemed illegally threatening if he knew it could be understood as such.The high court overruled the Colorado conviction of Billy Counterman for making what the western US state deemed threats among the thousands of unwelcome Facebook messages he sent to country singer Coles Whalen from 2014 to 2016. True threats are not protected by the US Constitution's guarantee of free speech rights. The Colorado court found based on state laws that Counterman's messages to Whalen -- such as writing "die, don't need you" and "staying in cyber life is going to kill you" -- could be objectively considered threats.Counterman's attorney turned to the Supreme Cour...
James Webb Space Telescope makes sensational discovery on coolest exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 c

James Webb Space Telescope makes sensational discovery on coolest exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 c

[ad_1] Back in February 2017, researchers with the help of the Spitzer Space Telescope discovered a large batch of Earth-sized rocky exoplanets. Ever since then, researchers have been trying to study the atmosphere of TRAPPIST-1 c with the help of NASA's Jammes Webb Space Telescope.Recently, researchers were successfully able to study the atmosphere of the rocky exoplanet and stated that it is the coolest exoplanet with a dayside temperature of about 225 degrees Fahrenheit based on thermal emission. However, researchers at NASA are unsure about its atmosphere due to its very thin layer of carbon dioxide. They believe that if the planet's atmosphere exists at all, it is extremely thin. The finding represents a significant advancement to understand whether planets orbiting small red dwarf...
The elusive ET found? Alien-friendly conditions detected on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

The elusive ET found? Alien-friendly conditions detected on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

[ad_1] Scientists studying data from the Cassini spacecraft, a probe sent by the US space agency NASA, have made an important discovery on one of Saturn's icy moons. They have found high concentrations of phosphorus, which is crucial for all living processes on Earth.This phosphorus was detected in ice crystals below the surface of Enceladus, Saturn's moon that has an ocean beneath its icy exterior. Finding phosphorus is a significant breakthrough for the possibility of alien life on this moon. Researchers had already found six other chemical elements necessary for all living things: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur. The missing piece was phosphorus, and now they have found it. The Cassini spacecraft was the first to orbit Saturn and collected data during its mission from...
Life on our Moon! NASA scientist points towards astonishing mystery

Life on our Moon! NASA scientist points towards astonishing mystery

[ad_1] In contrast to Earth's vibrant ecosystems, the moon has long been perceived as a barren and lifeless celestial body, devoid of water and signs of vitality. However, one NASA scientist believes there is more to the moon than meets the eye.According to Prabal Saxena, a planetary scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre, microbial life could persist in the severe circumstances found on the moon. "Relatively protected areas on airless bodies may harbour potentially habitable niches for such life," Saxena explained, as reported by Space.com. The source of this life is astonishing. If such moon bacteria exist, they most likely originated on Earth and travelled to the moon on a lunar lander!While Saxena primarily studies the potential existence of extraterrestrial life outside ou...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 25 May 2023: Breathtaking Cat’s Eye Nebula

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 25 May 2023: Breathtaking Cat’s Eye Nebula

[ad_1] NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is published on a daily basis and the US space agency showcases photographs of celestial objects captured by astrophotographers from all over the world. NASA also snaps objects in space using its advanced technology such as the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope, the James Webb Space Telescope and other observational assets. In fact, the newly launched James Webb Telescope has enabled NASA to observe and study objects located millions of light-years away in space, much further than the veteran Hubble Telescope. However, while these big guns are in constant use by NASA, the agency also keeps an eye on what lay astrophotographers around the world are doing in order to highlight the images they took too.Today's NASA Astronomy Pict...
Productivity Apps that will transform your workday

Productivity Apps that will transform your workday

[ad_1] In a world where time is precious and efficiency is key, productivity apps have emerged as powerful tools to enhance our workday experience. These apps transform the way you work, saving time and boosting efficiency. Here, we've researched and short-listed some of the top productivity apps and their unique features. Let's explore!Dropbox: A Game-Changer for File Sharing and CollaborationDropbox, a cloud-based platform, revolutionises file sharing and collaboration. By centralising all your files in one place, it ensures easy access and synchronisation across devices. With Dropbox Professional, you can efficiently store, share, and monitor work progress using features like Smart Sync and Showcase. Say goodbye to time wasted searching for documents! Droplr: Taking Cloud Sharing to ...
Proximity alert! Whopping 180-foot asteroid speeding towards Earth for close approach

Proximity alert! Whopping 180-foot asteroid speeding towards Earth for close approach

[ad_1] Several asteroids make close approaches to Earth on a daily basis. Their close approaches serve as a reminder of the potential danger that asteroids can pose to our planet. Just remember what happened to the dinosaurs! To minimize the uncertainty and counter the threat, space agencies like NASA, ESA and others continue to keep an eye on these Near-Earth Objects which have the potential to cause major destruction on Earth if they ever impacted.With the help of its advanced tech, NASA has now revealed that one of the asteroids that is on its way is gigantic and could approach Earth at a very close distance! Asteroid 2023 HZ4 detailsNASA has warned that an asteroid, given the designation of Asteroid 2023 HZ4, is speeding towards Earth and is expected to pass by the planet closely to...
Study details differences between deep interiors of Mars and Earth

Study details differences between deep interiors of Mars and Earth

[ad_1] Mars is Earth's next-door neighbor in the solar system - two rocky worlds with differences down to their very core, literally.A new study based on seismic data obtained by NASA's robotic InSight lander is offering a fuller understanding of the Martian deep interior and fresh details about dissimilarities between Earth, the third planet from the sun, and Mars, the fourth. The research, informed by the first detection of seismic waves traveling through the core of a planet other than Earth, showed that the innermost layer of Mars is slightly smaller and denser than previously known. It also provided the best assessment to date of the composition of the Martian core. Both planets possess cores comprised primarily of liquid iron. But about 20% of the Martian core is made up of elemen...