Tag: life sciences

The UK’s Best Hope for Tech Prowess Sits in Its Labs, Not Apps or AI

The UK’s Best Hope for Tech Prowess Sits in Its Labs, Not Apps or AI

[ad_1]  This is the season when the UK pitches itself as a technology trendsetter.In November, the government plans to convene hundreds of international financiers and executives to promote investing opportunities in British companies, including those working on nuclear fusion and “deep tech.” That same month, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will host the inaugural AI Safety Summit, an event designed to position the nation as a global leader on the critical technology.  It's a tough sell. A sluggish national economy, tepid capital markets and the lingering impacts of Brexit have left the UK with few tech companies that credibly compete on a global scale. For the upcoming artificial intelligence summit, Sunak is chiefly inviting executives from Silicon Valley.  We are now on WhatsApp. Click t...