Tag: life on Mars

Life on Mars? Curiosity rover raises NASA hopes

Life on Mars? Curiosity rover raises NASA hopes

[ad_1] Recent findings from NASA's Curiosity rover have revealed intriguing evidence of Mars once harboring conditions suitable for life. A team of geologists, utilizing data from Curiosity's explorations, examinations of sedimentary rock beneath the Gulf of Mexico, and computer simulations, have identified signs of ancient river systems in several Martian craters.Gale crater, a significant impact basin on Mars' surface, played a pivotal role in this discovery. Researchers uncovered compelling evidence indicating that rivers might have been more prevalent on the Red Planet than previously assumed. Geoscientist Benjamin Cardenas, the lead author from Penn State University, stated, "We're finding evidence that Mars was likely a planet of rivers," Space.com reported. On Earth, rivers are v...
Carl Sagan detected life on Earth 30 years ago – here’s how his experiment is helping us search for alien species today

Carl Sagan detected life on Earth 30 years ago – here’s how his experiment is helping us search for alien species today

[ad_1]  It's been 30 years since a group of scientists led by Carl Sagan found evidence for life on Earth using data from instruments on board the Nasa Galileo robotic spacecraft. Yes, you read that correctly.Among his many pearls of wisdom, Sagan was famous for saying that science is more than a body of knowledge – it is a way of thinking. In other words, how humans go about the business of discovering new knowledge is at least as important as the knowledge itself. In this vein, the study was an example of a “control experiment” – a critical part of the scientific method. This can involve asking whether a given study or method of analysis is capable of finding evidence for something we already know. We are now on WhatsApp. Click to join.Suppose one were to fly past Earth in an alien sp...
Life on Mars? Check what NASA just found

Life on Mars? Check what NASA just found

[ad_1] After years of hard work and the best of technology deployed to find any signs of life on Mars, NASA has some good news. NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover appears to have made a major discovery that could point towards life on Mars. What the rover has found, are signs of life on the Red Planet. The rover has been exploring Mars' Jezero crater for three years now, and recent findings suggest the presence of something incredible - organic molecules, which are fundamental building blocks of life.Jezero Crater is considered an area of great interest due to its potential past habitability as it was an ancient lake basin and there is the presence of a diverse range of minerals there. Previous clues have already hinted at the planet's dynamic history. However, the latest discovery of organ...
Really? Signs of life on Red Planet? Take a bow, Perseverance Rover

Really? Signs of life on Red Planet? Take a bow, Perseverance Rover

[ad_1] Scientists have been searching for traces of life on Mars for over a hundred years. NASA has even sent the Rover Perseverance in hot pursuit of signs of life on Mars. Now, in a sensational announcement, it has been revealed that it successfully gathered multiple samples of organic matter, further strengthening the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life on Mars.In the latest development, NASA's Perseverance Rover has observed diverse organic matter from Jezero Crater on the red planet. The study published in the journal Nature reveals that the presence and distribution of preserved organic matter on the surface of Mars can help scientists to get key information about the Martian carbon cycle and eventually the potential of the planet to host life throughout its history. The ...
In a first, NASA Curiosity rover captures Sun rays on Mars

In a first, NASA Curiosity rover captures Sun rays on Mars

[ad_1] In its long and remarkable tenure on Mars, the NASA Curiosity rover has reached some significant milestones and discovered some really interesting things. The rover was first deployed on the red planet in 2012 and it continues to collect samples and look for signs of life on the planet. Recently, it discovered a bizarre rock formation that looked just like a duck. And now, it has captured a stunning image of a phenomenon which is extremely rare to see on Mars — visible Sun rays.It should be noted that while sunlight does make its way to Mars' surface just like it does on the Earth, visible Sun rays is not something which is commonly seen. A visible Sun ray is seen on our planet on a hazy day when sunlight is scattered by dust, smoke or other particles. These visible rays are not...
Life on Mars? Research explores possibility of life beyond Earth; check out What and Where

Life on Mars? Research explores possibility of life beyond Earth; check out What and Where

[ad_1] For millennia, caves have served as shelters for prehistoric humans. Caves have also intrigued scholars from early Chinese naturalists to Charles Darwin. Do caverns on Mars harbour life?Although that's a valid question, it isn't the appropriate one right now. According to an international group of experts led by Jut Wynne, a researcher at NAU, we need to ask and answer dozens of questions. We can come back to that question after learning how to analyse caves on the Moon, Mars, and other planetary worlds. The lead author of two related studies, both of which were included in a special collection of publications on planetary caves by the Journal of Geophysical Research Planets, is Wynne, an assistant research professor of cave ecology. An interdisciplinary team of 31 scientists,...
Life on Mars killed off by Martians? Shocking study says so

Life on Mars killed off by Martians? Shocking study says so

[ad_1] A new study has revealed that the early life on Mars might have killed itself off. Know how the Martians caused their own end. For years, the word ‘Martian' has been a part of our vocabulary. The word simply means forms of life on the planet Mars. But the mainstream nature of the word, unlike Venutian (belonging to Venus) or Mercurian (belonging to Mercury) highlights how people on Earth have always believed in the possibility that life exists on Mars. And while NASA has not found any evidence of life existing at present, it has found evidence for microbial life on Mars that existed millions of years ago. And as scientists try to find out more about the life that existed on Mars, a new study has made a shocking claim. It says that the life of Mars was ended by the first organis...
Underground microbes may have swarmed ancient Mars

Underground microbes may have swarmed ancient Mars

[ad_1] Ancient Mars may have had an environment capable of harbouring an underground world teeming with microscopic organisms. Ancient Mars may have had an environment capable of harbouring an underground world teeming with microscopic organisms, French scientists reported on Monday. But if they existed, these simple life forms would have altered the atmosphere so profoundly that they triggered a Martian Ice Age and snuffed themselves out, the researchers concluded. The findings provide a bleak view of the ways of the cosmos. Life — even simple life like microbes — “might actually commonly cause its own demise", said the study's lead author, Boris Sauterey, now a post-doctoral researcher at Sorbonne University. The results “are a bit gloomy, but I think they are also very stimu...
Life on Mars possible? NASA Perseverance Rover finds intriguing evidence

Life on Mars possible? NASA Perseverance Rover finds intriguing evidence

[ad_1] NASA has made a new development while collecting organic material samples from Mars to pave the way for future special missions. Is life on Mars even possible? It is one of the most barren and bleak planets. Humans, without protection, would be dead in seconds. But the prospect of life on Mars has always been an intriguing concept. However, it has remained a mystery and keeps the scientists busy in trying to find plausible evidence and answers to prove that life did once exist on it. That's why NASA's Perseverance rover is on the hunt for signs of ancient life on the red planet. So far, the Perseverance rover has collected several samples of organic matter from Jezero Crater. Scientists hypothesise that a river once fl...